LDpred2 Docker setup for FinnGen, incorporating the basic dependencies for running LDpred2. Based on the implementation made available at comorment/containers
In order to build the container locally as ldpred2
, issue:
docker build -t ldpred2 -f docker/Dockerfile .
Interactive R session:
docker run -it ldpred2 R
Invoking Rscript on R file:
docker run -it ldpred2 Rscript <filename>.R
Basic test that the built container can be used:
pip3 install pytest # install the py.test software. Run once.
py.test -v test/test_ldpred2.py
Note: this will only work in environments where Docker does not require sudo.
In order to run these LDpred2-based codes on real-world data, the files made available in https://github.com/comorment/ldpred2_ref must be downloaded and found locally.
See scripts/README.md for further details.
The wdl directory contains WDL workflow language file (openwdl.org) templates for converting Plink (.bed, .bim, .fam) files to a LDpred2 compatible format and running LDpred2 itself. Files:
: converts genotype files to .rds/.bk fileswdl/run_ldpred2.wdl
: run LDpred2.
For all workflow files, make sure that all file paths (File
) points to correct files.
For the LDpred2 part, make sure that the String col_* = "<column>"
arguments points to valid columns in the sumstats file.
If certain columns like chromosome (col_chr
) and position (col_bp
) do not exist in the sumstats file, they may be included using the [scripts/complementSumstats.R](scripts/complementSumstats.R) script in R. Note that it requires an external reference file argument (
--reference /path/to/HRC.r1-1.GRCh37.wgs.mac5.sites.tab.gz``) from comorment/containers.