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Michael Wheeler edited this page Feb 27, 2017 · 7 revisions

General descriptions of the views and what they do go here. For reference, coming up-to-speed quickly, and quickly assessing the state of the project.

-----Last updated on 2017-02-27-----

Background info: if you look at, you will see that it has eight sections in its menu bar, which all originate from the rmgweb app. Because our project also has the rmgweb folder, our website also has those eight sections, and therefore looks and functions almost exactly like MIT's RMG website. For now, we're not touching those views.

However, the difference with ours is that we also have a 9th option called "Kinetic Models Database", contained not in the rmgweb app but within our own apps kineticsite and kinetcsmodels. This is where we will be putting our Kinetics Models search forms. So since our current task is to generate the views for that new section of the website, the views I refer to here are the ones in the "Kinetics Models Database" part of the website.

Here is a table of the current views, mapped to the left to their URL Patterns, and mapped to the right to their templates:

URL Pattern Name View Name (views.{}) Template (.html)
kineticmodelsSiteHome .index index.html
bibliography .SourceListview.as_view sourceList.html
sourceView .SourceView.as_view sourceView.html
sourceEditor .SourceEditor.as_view sourceEditor.html
sourceSearch .SourceSearchView.as_view sourceSearch.html
sourceNew .sourceNew.as_View redirects to sourceEditor
speciesList .SpeciesListView.as_view speciesList.html
speciesView .SpeciesView.as_view speciesView.html
speciesEditor .SpeciesEditor.as_view speciesEditor.html
speciesSearch .SpeciesSearch.as_view speciesSearch.html
kineticModelList KineticModelListView.as_view kineticModelList.html
kineticModelNew KineticModelNew.as_view redirects to kineticModelEditor
kineticModelView KineticModelView.as_view kineticModelList.html
kineticModelEditor KineticModelMetaDataEditor.as_view kineticModelMetaDataEditor.html
kineticModelUpload KineticModelUpload.as_view kineticModelFileEditor.html
kineticModelSMILES KineticModelGenerateSMILES.as_view kineticModelSMILES.html
kineticModelAddSMILES KineticModelAddSMILES.as_view kineticModelSMILES.html
kineticModelFileContentEditor KineticModelFileContentEditor.as_view kineticModelFileEditor.html
kineticModelImporter KineticModelImporter.as_view kineticModelImporterStatus.html
reactionList ReactionListView.as_view reactionList.html
reactionView ReactionView.as_view reactionView.html
reactionEditor ReactionEditor.as_view reactionEditor.html
reactionSearch ReactionSearch.as_view reactionSearch.html
authorAutocomplete AuthorAutocomplete.as_view None
sourceAutocomplete SourceAutocomplete.as_view None
speciesAutocomplete SpeciesAutocomplete.as_view None
None SMILESHelper None
None loadSpecies None
None loadThermo None
None convertFormula None