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Moh.Hassan edited this page Oct 10, 2019 · 1 revision

Trial Methods

The Trial type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public method Static member Apply(TValue, TSuccess, TMessage) If the wrapped function is a success and the given result is a success the function is applied on the value. Otherwise the exisiting error messages are propagated.
Public method Static member Bind(TValue, TSuccess, TMessage) If the result is a Success it executes the given function on the value. Otherwise the exisiting failure is propagated.
Public method Static member Collect(TSuccess, TMessage) Collects a sequence of Results and accumulates their values. If the sequence contains an error the error will be propagated.
Public method Static member Either(TSuccess, TMessage, TResult) Takes a Result and maps it with successFunc if it is a Success otherwise it maps it with failureFunc.
Public method Static member Fail(TSuccess, TMessage) Wraps a message in a Failure.
Public method Static member Failed(TSuccess, TMessage) Returns true if the result was not successful.
Public method Static member Flatten(TSuccess, TMessage) Flattens a nested result given the Failure types are equal.
Public method Static member Lift(TValue, TSuccess, TMessage) Lifts a function into a Result container and applies it on the given result.
Public method Static member Lift2(TSuccess, TMessage, TSuccess1, TMessage1) Promote a function to a monad/applicative, scanning the monadic/applicative arguments from left to right.
Public method Static member MergeMessages(TSuccess, TMessage) Appends the given messages with the messages in the given result.
Public method Static member Ok(TSuccess, TMessage) Wraps a value in a Success.
Public method Static member Pass(TSuccess, TMessage) Wraps a value in a Success.
Public method Static member ReturnOrFail(TSuccess, TMessage) If the given result is a Success the wrapped value will be returned. Otherwise the function throws an exception with Failure message of the result.
Public method Static member Warn(TSuccess, TMessage) Wraps a value in a Success and adds a message.
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See Also


Trial Class
RailwaySharp.ErrorHandling Namespace

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