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Zahratu Shabrina edited this page Aug 21, 2024 · 18 revisions

Academic institution/department or consortium

Seed Project (2021-2022)

  • Department of Geography, King's College London UK
  • Department of Geodesy and Geomatic Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
  • Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

British Academy Project (2024-2026)

  • Department of Geography, King's College London UK
  • Resilience Development Initiative, Indonesia

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City/Cities selected for initial testing


Platform links March 2024 update: currently paused but shortly to be restarted following success with Britih Academy grant.

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Articles, publications and events links

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CCRP membership start date

January 2022.

Anticipated launch date

  • Demonstration model: Colouring Jakarta, Summer 2022
  • National rollout: tbc

Academic Team

(Please record contributions all significant contributions adding to/from dates where applicable)

  • Principal Investigator: Zahratu Shabrina (Department of Geography, King's College London)
  • Co-PI: Adiwan Fahlan Aritenang (Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia)
  • Co-PI: Anjar Dimara Sakti (Department of Geodesy and Geomatic Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia)
  • Research Assistant: Muhammad Farhan Nahduddin (Green Infrastructure Initiative GIZ) and Eri Krismiyaningsih (Climate Change Center, Urban and Regional Planning, Institut Teknologi Bandung)

Multidisciplinary expertise

Urban Analytics, Spatial Data Science, Urban Planning, Geodesy, Computational Social Science, Disaster Risk Modelling, Volunteered Geographic Information System, Smart Cities.

Key Collaborators

  • Pemprov DKI Jakarta

Additional partners, advisors and consultees

  • Potential Collaboration: Global Earthquake Model Foundation


Grant 2: British Academy Date: from 2024-2026 Amount: £300,000 Grant 1: King's College London Faculty Research Fund Date (from/to): January to August 2022 Amount: £10,000 Partial Grant 2: King’s College London Parents and Carers Research Fund Date (from/to): January to August 2022 Amount: £1800 Funder: King's College London Purpose: Building the initial platform and conducting early mapathon for initial crowdsourcing process

Open building footprint source

Building footprints are available from the Indonesian government, free of charge, available on Jakarta Satu website

Primary research interest/s in reproduction of platform code

Colouring Indonesia is a knowledge-sharing platform for mapping, collating, and disseminating building level and land parcel data in Indonesian cities. This will be developed as a proof of concept of such a platform in the Global South. The project aims to democratise built environment data through an integrated Volunteered Geographical Information (VGI) platform (Goodchild and Li, 2012) that is open to the wider public containing information regarding building footprints, current use, heritage and conservation, economic and other associated urban features. Data-driven approaches can be regarded as one of the keys to creating a successful smart city development (Batty, 2013). However, creating an environment where data can be accessible and transparent remains a challenge, including in Indonesia. The initiative comes from understanding that urban information data in the Global South are often unavailable or otherwise aggregated, fragmented, incomplete, or scattered (Arora, 2016). This makes it complicated to conduct rigorous research for urban policies implementation especially at a granular level such as at a building and land parcel level. This project acknowledges that information regarding building level data is a tangible asset that can support a city to achieve a sustainable and climate adaptive urban development. Thus, Colouring Indonesia is proposed as a solution to data accessibility and transparency – as an instrument to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities (making cities safe, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable) (United Nations, 2015).  

This project aims to democratise built environment data through an integrated Volunteered Geographical Information (VGI) that is open to the wider public and can be used for urban simulations and modelling.   The research objectives are: 

  1. To collect and standardise building footprints data obtained from the Indonesian government, crowdsourced platform, and machine learning approach to simulate data-scarce urban regions in Indonesia 
  2. To crowdsource building feature data containing information regarding building age, type, current use, planning permission, heritage and conservation, sustainability, and other associated urban features 
  3. To implement urban simulation using the collected data for understanding the urban dynamics and tackling pressing urban issues such as areas that are prone to hazards and disasters 

Secondary research interest/s for reproduction of platform code

Potential modelling of the building data (RO3)  Based on prioritisation during the stakeholder part of the workshop, we will undertake one or more urban simulations utilising the data gathered through this platform such as: 

  • 3D modelling of urban environment for understanding the urban dynamics 
  • Overlaying the building data with hazard risk data (such as flood, landslide, earthquake, tsunami, etc.) would help identify the areas at risk as well as the detailed urban activities and vulnerable communities that might be at risk 
  • Overlaying with slums and squatter as well as hazard risk dataset could help identify vulnerable community prone to disasters 
  • Overlaying with volcano eruption dataset would help identify effective evacuation route 

What are the most useful aspects of the Colouring Cities Research Programme for you?

  • Having access to the open code designed by the Colouring Cities Research Programme is very useful to help setup the infrastructure of Colouring Indonesia platform.
  • Having access to knowledge and expertise of the Colouring Cities original teams.
  • Co-working with an international colleagues with similar challenges to expand the Colouring Cities research. Potentially applying joint research fundings and collaborating on research publications.
  • Understanding how data collection and usage might be different / similar in other countries.

What are the greatest challenges you anticipate during platform set up e.g. open footprint access, engineering support funding etc?

  • Building the platform with limited budget.
  • Data collection in other cities as the pilot project location is selected based on data availability, which is not available in other Indonesian cities.

What could we add/do that would be of use? (e.g add features, new data categories, joint papers, joint funding applications etc.

Joint papers and joint funding applications

Relevant publications by academic team

Not yet available

Colouring Indonesia/Bandung citations, articles etc.

Plan of action 2022

  • Mid-March – end of May 2022: Colouring Indonesia’s platform development 
  • June - mid July 2022: Indonesia field trip preparation
  • July - August 2022: Workshops in Indonesia with various stakeholders
  • August - early Sept 2022: Participate in a conference in Bali
  • Mid- Sept 2022 – mid-February 2023: initial proof of concept manuscript and larger grant proposal writing 
  • February 2023: grant proposal submission   


Update 1 (April 2022): We have had an initial meeting with Vitor Silva at the Global Earthquake Model Foundation (GEM) which has a team and PhD student working on earthquake risk assessment in Java Island. GEM has identified basic building taxonomy needed to create earthquake vulnerability index (including building age, use, construction material, horizontal and vertical structural irregularities). For GEM's flood vulnerability index, more data is needed including whether buildings have basements or floors below ground, height of first floor grade, etc. GEM also has access to seismic hazard and risk models.

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