Quadtree implementation for check 2D collisions with low CPU cost.
Demo here: http://jsfiddle.net/sombra2eternity/vNS7m/
- Red squares represents Quadtree Sub-divisions.
- Grey squares represents Quadtree registered items.
- Green square represent the collision zone, It will follow mouse move.
- White squares represents items that could collide with our collision zone.
Create a new Quadtree. Params: width, height, top, left, depth
var quadtree = new _quadtree(400,400);
Insert an element in the Quadtree. (Extra params could be added to any item and will be retrieved)
quadtree.insert({ x : 200, y : 150, w : 20, h : 20 });
Get elements near a collision zone defined by bounds.
var elements = quadtree.retrieve({ x : 150, y : 100, w : 20, h : 20 });
Clear the Quadtree