/* Table declaration, if the table doesnt exists when inserting and a position
* inside $GLOBALS['tables'] matchs the table name, the lib will create the table
* based on this declaration and will retry the inserction query */
$GLOBALS['tables']['test'] = array('_id_'=>'INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT','data'=>'INTEGER NOT NULL');
$d = microtime(1);
$db = sqlite3_open('test.db');
/* Begin a transaction */
$i = 1;while($i < 10001){
/* Underscores around the array index means this is the table key, when
* a key collide, the lib will update the row. The struct of a row
* should have the same fields declared in table declaration */
$row = array('_id_'=>$i,'data'=>$i);
/* First param is table name, second param is an associative array
* mapping the row fields: 'fieldName'=>'fieldValue'. Third is a
* mixed array, for example, position 'db' means 'reuse this database
* connection' */
$r = sqlite3_insertIntoTable2('test',$row,array('db'=>$db));
/* Close the database conection, if second param is true then
* will COMMIT the current transaction */
$r = sqlite3_close($db,true);
echo 'Time spent: 'round(microtime(1)-$d,2).PHP_EOL;
If you are going to make a solely insert, you can point via params the path of the database and all the other commands will be done in an automatic way
$GLOBALS['tables']['test'] = array('_id_'=>'INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT','data'=>'INTEGER NOT NULL');
$params = array('db.file'=>'test.db');
$row = array('_id_'=>1,'data'=>5);
$r = sqlite3_insertIntoTable2('test',$row,$params);
Note: When doing multiple secuential inserts is highly recomendable begin a transaction first
/* Open database, if we are not going to write it better choose SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY mode,
* default mode if not supplied is (SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE) */
$db = sqlite3_open('test.db',SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY);
/* Query de data, first param is the table name. Second param is the whereClause,
* in other words the clause you write following WHERE in a query sentence. Third
* param is a mixed array:
* 'db' means 'reuse this database connection'
* 'order' param will be appended in the query, just like 'ORDER BY '.
* 'limit' param will be appended in the query, just like 'LIMIT'.
* 'group' param will be appended in the query, just like 'GROUP BY '.
* 'indexBy' will be the field that acts as index of $rows array, it can be 'false' for
* no indexing the array. */
$params = array('db'=>$db,'order'=>'id DESC','limit'=>10);
$rows = sqlite3_getWhere('test','(id > 10)',$params);
$r = sqlite3_close($db);
Alternatively you can supply just the path for the database to query, and all the other commands will be done in an automatic way
$params = array('db.file'=>'test.db','order'=>'id DESC','limit'=>10);
$rows = sqlite3_getWhere('test','(id > 10)',$params);
Inserting data
/* Open database with third param, this time the password */
$db = sqlite3_open('test.db',SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE,'password');
/* Begin transaction */
/* When making inserctions provide an array with a list of fields to encrypt (as indexes)
* in the position 'db.encrypt' */
$params = array('db'=>$db,'db.encrypt'=>array('data'=>0));
$i = 1;while($i < 10001){
$r = sqlite3_insertIntoTable2('test',array('_id_'=>$i,'data'=>$i),$params);
/* Close conection with true as second param to commit */
Quering data
/* Open database with third param, this time the password */
$db = sqlite3_open('test.db',SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY,'password');
/* Pass a list of fields to decrypt (as indexes) in the position 'db.encrypt' */
$rows = sqlite3_getWhere('test',1,array('db'=>$db,'db.encrypt'=>array('data'=>0),'limit'=>10));
/* Close conection */
/* Open database with third param, this time the password */
$db = sqlite3_open('test.db',SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY,'password');
$params = array('db'=>$db,'db.encrypt'=>array('data'=>0));
$rows = sqlite3_getWhere('test','decrypt(data) = 10',$params);
/* Close conection */
After every process the next globals will be feed:
$GLOBALS['DB_LAST_QUERY'] // last query/exec
$GLOBALS['DB_LAST_QUERY_ERRNO'] // last error number
$GLOBALS['DB_LAST_QUERY_ERROR'] // last error description
$GLOBALS['DB_LAST_QUERY_CHANG'] // last changes (when suitable)