A simple practice MVC application built on .NET Core.
Develop an MVC/C# application; this application should only meet the below use case.
- Primary actors: Any user
- Preconditions: Web site is running
- User browses to web page
- Application displays list of 10 contacts
- User selects contact
- Application displays contact details including:
- Name (first and last)
- Email Addresses
- Phone numbers (Business, Home, Mobile, etc.)
- Address (one)
- Notes
- User selects “close”
- Application displays/enables the same list of contacts that was viewed before they selected a contact
- This alternate flow begins after step 2
- User can browse to the next/previous ten contacts
- Initial contact list should have at least 25 fictional contacts
- Initial contact list should load from an XML file
- User should NOT be able to modify contacts