lmeter computes a current flowing through terminals of a multilayer superconductive integrated circuit in several experiments when unit Josephson phase difference across one of the terminals - current sources and zero phase differencies across other terminals are applied. Used aproach is based on the solution of 2D laplace equation on Josephson phase differencies between superconductive layers with coefficients adjusted to take into account 3D effects and changes in feature sizes during fabrication.
There are several branches here:
- master - the main repository, currently at 2.13
- lm212 - the 2.12 version from tarball
- ngst - the 2.13 version (NGST) from tarball
- lm212_coldlogix - 2.12 version with fixes for compiling on modern linux and OSX with CMake
- ngst_coldlogix - 2.13 version with fixes for compiling on modern linux and OSX with CMake