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Drupal Site Install

This module manages the installation of a Drupal site. It only cares for the installation task. Managing updates and code changes are the responsibility of the Drupal site itself. This module only installs a Drupal site if it does not currently exist.


How it works

Describe the site(s) you want on the server. The information you provide includes the credentials to the database, the site folder names and the configuration for the $DRUPAL_ROOT/sites/sites.php if necessary.

You can also specify additional installation profiles to download and add to the available list of sites (e.g. dropfort_profile)

Lastly, you can specify a whole distribution of Drupal to replace vanialla core.

Document Root Configuration

When Drupal is installed, it will create your document root for your given host. It would be best to ensure that no other puppet module or process is attempting to create that directory. If you're using the puppetlabs-apache module for instance, you may want to set your virtualhost to not manage your document root by setting manage_docroot => false in your vhost definition. This module will attempt to remove the directory if it is created by another puppet resource, but it is best to leave the directory to be managed by coldfrontlabs-drupalsi.

Here is a sample hiera configuration which disable the managing of the document root for apache.


    port: 80
    manage_docroot: false
    docroot: /var/www/html/mysite
    override: All
      - Indexes
      - FollowSymLinks
      - MultiViews
    priority: 10

Sample Hiera configuration

  drupal:                               # Name of the distribution installation
    distribution: drupal-7.28           # Specify a distribution (e.g. commerce_kickstart, wetkit). Defaults to 'drupal'. Include the version optionally.
    api_version: 7                      # Specify which core API version (e.g. 6, 7, 8). Defaults to '7'
    distro_root: '/var/www/html'        # Full path to your Drupal root directory with no trailing slash. This will create your site root folder at '/var/www/html/<distroname>'
    group_alias: default                # Value to use to create the drush site alias group for sites on this distro. Defaults to the value of 'distribution'.
    omit_files:                         # List of files to remove from core. Useful for removing uncessary files for production sites.
      - INSTALL.txt
      - web.config
      - CHANGELOG.txt
      -	README.txt
      -	PATCHES.txt
      -	INSTALL.mysql.txt
      -	INSTALL.pgsql.txt
      - INSTALL.sqlite.txt
      -	LICENSE.txt
      -	MAINTAINERS.txt
      -	UPGRADE.txt
      -	COPYRIGHT.txt

    distribution: dropfort                  # Specify a distribution (e.g. commerce_kickstart, wetkit). Defaults to 'drupal'
    api_version: 7                          # Specify which core API version (e.g. 6, 7, 8). Defaults to '7'
    distro_build_location: 'dropfort.make'  # Project download URL for your distribution. Defaults to
                                            # Full path to the make file to build the site with.
                                            # For git, this is the url of the Git repo.
                                            # For archive, this is the url of the archive backup file.

    distro_build_type: 'make'               #  Options:
                                            #    'make'  _>  Build the profile using a drush make file. Optionally from a remote file source. See distro_build_args for more details
                                            #    'git'   _>  Clone the site with Git
                                            #    'get'   _>  Download the Drupal distribution with an HTTP GET request
                                            #    'archive' _> Restore from an archive file generated by ``drush archive-dump``. The file may be local or downloaded via wget (HTTP, HTTPS or FTP).

    distro_root: '/var/www/html'            # Full path to your distro root directory. In this case would create '/var/www/html/dropfort'.
    distro_build_args:                      # Arguments to add to the build_location method. For example with 'get' requests, adds key/value pairs to the URL via querystring parameters. Defaults to ''.

      # Args for the 'make' build type
      url: '' # Publicly available URL to a make file
      url_args: 'private_token=1234567'    # URL Encoded string of arguments to append to the URL. Omit the '?' character as it is automatically added.

      ## Any arguments from drush make with '-' replaced with '_'
      no_cache: true

      # Args for the 'git' build type
      git_branch: 'master'                 # Name of branch (optional).

      # Args for the 'get' build type
      # @todo

      # Args for the 'archive' build type
      url_args: 'private_token=1234567'    # URL Encoded string of arguments to append to the URL. Omit the '?' character as it is automatically added.
      dl_user: 'username'                  # Username to download the file. @see maestrodev/wget
      dl_pass: 'password'                  # Password to download the file. @see maestrodev/wget
      hash: THISISAHASH                    # File hash to validate the download. This is required.
      validate_certificate: true           # Boolean value to validate any TLS/SSL certificate. Defaults to "true".

      ## Any arguments from drush arr command with '-' replaced with '_'. @see coldfrontlabs/drush
      db_url: "mysql://dbuser:dbpass@localhost/dbname"
      overwrite: false                     # Note that DrupalSi will not overwrite existing directories. If set, this value is ignored.

    profile: 'standard'             # Installation profile to use. Defaults to "standard"
    account_name: 'admin'
    account_pass: 'adminpassword'
    account_mail: '[email protected]'
    clean_url: true
    db_prefix: ''
    db_su: '<root>'
    db_su_pw: '<pass>'
    db_url: 'mysql://root:[email protected]/db'
    locale: '<en_GB>'
    site_mail: '[email protected]'
    site_name: 'Site Install'
    sites_subdir: 'default'
    base_url: '<>'
    distro: drupal
    public_dir: "/absolute/path/to/public/files" # Leave blank to default to sites/{name}/files
    private_dir: "/absolute/path/to/private/files" # Leave blank to omit a private files dir
    webserver_user: "apache"
      minute:   '0'
      hour:     '*/1'
      monthday: '*'
      month:    '*'
      weekday:  '*'
    auto_alias: true                    # Flag to generate the site alias automatically. Defaults to true. Requires base_url to be set.
    site_aliases:                       # Specific values to enter into the sites.php file. These will be added after any automatically generated values. The ``sites_subdir`` value is used as the directory value by default. See @
      mysitecom:                       # Generates: $sites[''] = 'default';
        domain: ''
        port: 8080
      myothersitecom:                  # Generates: $sites[''] = 'default';
        domain: ''
        path: 'subpath'
    auto_drush_alias: true              # Flag to generate the drush alias automatically. Defaults to true. (not yet implemented)
    drush_alias: 'mysite'               # Name to use when generating the drush site alias entry. Defaults to the name generate by Puppet for your site. It is highly recommended you set a value for alias. (not yet implemented)
    local_settings:                # Array of PHP lines to add to the settings.php file for your site. Note that these values are set after the install.php has been run.
      - '$conf["devel_debug_mail_directory"] = "/path/to/folder";'
      - '$conf["mail_system"]["default-system"] = "DevelMailLog";'
    profile: 'dropfort_profile'         # This is an install profile which comes with this distribution
    account_name: 'admin'
    account_pass: 'adminpassword'
    account_mail: '[email protected]'
    clean_url: true
    db_prefix: ''
    db_su: '<root>'
    db_su_pw: '<pass>'
    db_url: 'mysql://root:[email protected]/db'
    locale: '<en_GB>'
    site_mail: '[email protected]'
    site_name: 'Site 2 Install'
    sites_subdir: 'default'
    base_url: '<>'
    keyvalue: 'key=value'               # See drush si documentation for more details
    distro: dropfort
    profile: 'dropfortl10n_profile'     # This is the install profile we added in the config above
    account_name: 'admin'
    account_pass: 'adminpassword'
    account_mail: '[email protected]'
    clean_url: true
    db_prefix: ''
    db_su: '<root>'
    db_su_pw: '<pass>'
    db_url: 'mysql://root:[email protected]/db'
    locale: '<en_GB>'
    site_mail: '[email protected]'
    site_name: 'Site 2 Install'
    sites_subdir: 'default'
    base_url: '<>'
    distro: dropfort

    profile: dropfortl10n_profile
    version: 2.0                        # Builds out the full version based on the distro version. In this case it would be 7.x-2.0
    build_type: 'get'
                                        #  Options:
                                        #    'make'  _>  Build the profile using a drush make file. Optionally from a remote file source. See distro_build_args for more details
                                        #    'get' _>  Download the site with drush
                                        #    'git'   _>  Clone the site with Git
                                        #    'local' _>  Profile which is already present. For example the 'standard' install profile in Drupal. Used to generate the dependency tree in Puppet.

    build_location: ''
    build_args:                         # Arguments to add to the build_location method. For example with 'get' requests, adds key/value pairs to the URL via querystring parameters. Defaults to ''.
      sitetoken: '134asdfasdf12341234sdasdf'
      core: '7.x'                       # Name of the make file to build the site with or the url of the profile's location.
    distro: dropfort