Merge pull request #158 from mrigsby/addV4ModuleSupport #397
GitHub Actions / lucee@5 Test Results
Jun 21, 2024 in 0s
All 89 tests pass, 3 skipped in 1s
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github-actions / lucee@5 Test Results
3 skipped tests found
There are 3 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
Raw output
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should pass validation with validateOrFail()
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should throw error if a listener is defined but the method does not exist
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ File Uploads should _finishUpload()
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github-actions / lucee@5 Test Results
92 tests found
There are 92 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ CBWIREController can render component from ./wires folder using wire()
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ CBWIREController can render component from nested folder using wire()
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ CBWIREController can render component from nested module using default wires location
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ CBWIREController should automatically sets passed params to wire()
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ CBWIREController should include a data-csrf token when calling getScripts()
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ CBWIREController should pass params to onMount if it exists
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ CBWIREController should provide a endWirePersist() method
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ CBWIREController should provide a wire() method that returns html
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ CBWIREController should provide a wirePersist() method
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ CBWIREController should return an object
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ CBWIREController should return getScripts()
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ CBWIREController should return getStyles()
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ CBWIREController throws error if it's unable to find a module component
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should accept false flag for computed properties to prevent caching
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should access validation from view
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should auto validate
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should be able to access computed property from view
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should be able to access data properties from view using 'args.'
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should be able to call action
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should be able to call getInstance()
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should be an object
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should cache computed properties
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should entangle
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should hasError( field)
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should have generated getter
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should have generated setter
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should implicitly render a view template
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should include listeners within wire:effects on initial render
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should pass additional data to the view
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should pass validation with validateOrFail()
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should reference application helper methods
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should render a view template
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should render child components
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should render complex HTML structures
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should render string booleans as booleans
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should render with correct snapshot, effects, and id attribute
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should reset a single data property
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should reset all data properties
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should reset multiple data properties
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should resetExcept a single data property
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should resetExcept multiple data properties
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should return a snapshot that contains the proper memo name
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should set a single data property
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should set multiple data properties
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should support computed properties
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should support single file components
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should throw an error for HTML without a single outer element
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should throw an error if we try to set a data property that doesn't exist
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should throw an exception for a non-existent view
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should throw error if a listener is defined but the method does not exist
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should thrown exception for validateOrFail()
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Component.cfc should validate()
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ File Uploads should _finishUpload()
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ File Uploads should _startUpload() and return a generated signed URL
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should be able to return javascript to return
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should call onHydrate() if it exists
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should call onHydrate[Property] if it exists
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should dispatch an event with params
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should dispatch an event without params
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should dispatchSelf()
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should dispatchTo()
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should provide a handleRequest() method that returns subsequent payloads
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should provide updates to data properties
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should return an outer element with the same id that we passed in
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should return the same id
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should run action we pass it
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should run action we pass it with parameters
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should support multi select dropdowns and the incoming array values
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should throw a 403 forbidden error if the CSRF token doesn't match
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should track child components on the response
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Incoming Requests should track return values
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Lazy Loading should not immediately render the component's content when lazy is true
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Lazy Loading should return a base64-encoded lazy loading snapshot when wire() is called with lazy=true
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Preprocessors CBWIREPreprocessor should correctly handle arguments with expressions
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Preprocessors CBWIREPreprocessor should maintain order and syntax of multiple attributes
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Preprocessors CBWIREPreprocessor should parse and replace cbwire tag with multiple arguments
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Preprocessors CBWIREPreprocessor should parse and replace single cbwire tag with no arguments
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Preprocessors CBWIREPreprocessor should replace multiple cbwire tags in a single content string
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Preprocessors CBWIREPreprocessor should throw an exception for unparseable tags
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Preprocessors Teleport Preprocessing Tests should handle double quotes around the selector
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Preprocessors Teleport Preprocessing Tests should handle multiple teleport directives in the same content
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Preprocessors Teleport Preprocessing Tests should handle nested teleport directives
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Preprocessors Teleport Preprocessing Tests should handle no quotes around the selector
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Preprocessors Teleport Preprocessing Tests should handle single quotes around the selector
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Preprocessors Teleport Preprocessing Tests should handle spaces within the parentheses
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Preprocessors Teleport Preprocessing Tests should not alter content without teleport directives
tests.specs.CBWIRESpec ‑ Preprocessors Teleport Preprocessing Tests should replace @teleport with the correct template tag
tests.specs.interceptors.AutoInjectAssetsSpec ‑ interceptors.test does inject assets if set to true
tests.specs.interceptors.AutoInjectAssetsSpec ‑ interceptors.test does not inject assets if set to false
tests.specs.interceptors.AutoInjectAssetsSpec ‑ interceptors.test should configure correctly
tests.specs.interceptors.CheckIncomingRequestHeadersSpec ‑ interceptor.test should return null and allow processing if 'X-Livewire' HTTP header is present
tests.specs.interceptors.CheckIncomingRequestHeadersSpec ‑ interceptor.test should return true and prevent processing if 'X-Livewire' HTTP header is not present