- Updated github actions #22
GitHub Actions / lucee@6 ColdBox ^7.0.0 Test Results
Feb 19, 2025 in 0s
All 46 tests pass in 0s
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github-actions / lucee@6 ColdBox ^7.0.0 Test Results
46 tests found
There are 46 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
tests.specs.HelpersTest ‑ CBStreams can use register the 'stream' helper method
tests.specs.HelpersTest ‑ CBStreams can use register the 'streamBuilder' helper method
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can collect streams into different types Given The CFML array collector Then it will produce a CFML array
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can collect streams into different types Given The asSet collector Then it will produce a distinct set of the collection
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can collect streams into different types Given The average collection Then it will produce an average result
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can collect streams into different types Given The default array collector Then it will produce an array
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can collect streams into different types Given The groupingBy collection Then it will produce a grouped result
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can collect streams into different types Given The list collector Then it will produce a string list of the collection
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can collect streams into different types Given The map collector and a key and id mapper Then it will produce a struct of the collection of those mappers
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can collect streams into different types Given The set collector Then it will produce an set collection
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can collect streams into different types Given The struct collector and a key and id mapper Then it will produce a struct of the collection of those mappers
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can collect streams into different types Given The summary collection Then it will produce a summary report result
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can collect streams into different types Given The summing collection Then it will produce a summed result
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can create a stream a leverage the forEach functions Given A basic stream with a forEach Then I can output it to the debug console
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can create a stream a leverage the forEach functions Given An ordered stream with a forEachOrdered Then I can output it to the debug console
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can create an empty stream Given A call to empty() Then it will create an empty sequential stream
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can distinct streams Given a repetitive stream Then it can be returned in a distinct manner
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can do numerical operations on streams Given A call to average() Then it will produce the average number in the stream
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can do numerical operations on streams Given A call to max() Then it will produce the maximum number in the stream
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can do numerical operations on streams Given A call to min() Then it will produce the minimum number in the stream
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can do numerical operations on streams Given A call to summaryStatistics() Then it will produce stats about the stream
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can find a match in a stream with short-cicuiting activities Given A call to anyMatch() with a match Then will produce true
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can find a match in a stream with short-cicuiting activities Given A call to anyMatch() without a match Then will not produce
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can find all matches in a stream with short-cicuiting activities Given A call to allMatch() with a match Then will produce true
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can find all matches in a stream with short-cicuiting activities Given A call to allMatch() without a match Then will not produce
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can generate streams from a query Given a query Then it will generate the correct stream
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can generate streams from different providers Given a file path Then a stream of the file lines will be created
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can generate streams from different providers Given a sequential stream using the `of` method Then an ordered stream will be created
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can generate streams from different providers Given a string Then it can create a character stream
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can generate streams from ranges Given A closed range of 1-4 Then a stream of 4 will be created
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can generate streams from ranges Given An open range of 1-4 Then a stream of 3 will be created
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can initialize a stream with many data types Given a list Then it should build a list stream
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can initialize a stream with many data types Given a struct Then it should build a collection stream
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can initialize a stream with many data types Given an array Then it should build an array stream
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can initialize a stream with many data types Given nothing to the constructor Then it should build an empty stream
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can leverage filter functions Given a stream with a filter() call Then it will filter the elements
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can leverage map functions Given a stream with a map() call Then it will transform the elements
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can leverage reduce functions Given a stream with a reduce() call with an accumulator and a seed Then it will reduce the elements with the seed
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can leverage reduce functions Given a stream with a reduce() call with an accumulator only Then it will reduce the elements
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can limit streams Given a discrete stream Then it can be limited
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can peek into the stream as it progresses Given A stream with peek() operations Then then I can peek into it.
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can skip stream elements Given a stream with a skip() call Then it will return only the non-skipped elements
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I can use generation of streams Given a limited infinite stream Then a stream of data will be generated
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams Story: I want to build native cf structs from collection entry sets Given a struct as input to a stream Then I can get a key/value representation
tests.specs.MainTests ‑ CB Streams testing parallel threads
tests.specs.ParallelTests ‑ CB Streams testing parallel threads