Join our slack group:
$ git clone
$ cd coingolive/
$ docker-compose up
You can visit http://localhost/setup.php to complete setup.
- public/assets/img/coin/ - images of cryptocurrencies, cron saves the images
- public/assets/moedas.json - list of all cryptocurrencies, used in the search options, updated file via cron
- log/ - error logs
- define.php - configuration file (database connection)
- app/route.php - route of the application, call the controllers
- php console/execute.php coin-change update data exchanges prices, data used in tool "Cryptocurrency Change in 24h"
- php console/execute.php moeda -- updates all cryptocurrencies data, data used in tools "Max Price" and "All-Time High"
scheduling cron:
# m h dom mon dow command
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/coingolive/console/execute.php moeda
* * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/coingolive/console/execute.php coin-change
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