The Compass SDK is a Python library that allows you to parse documents and insert them into a Compass index.
In order to parse documents, the Compass SDK relies on the Compass Parser API, which is a RESTful API that receives files and returns parsed documents. This requires a hosted Compass server.
The Compass SDK provides a CompassParserClient
that allows to interact with the parser
API from your Python code in a convenient manner. The CompassParserClient
methods to parse single and multiple files, as well as entire folders, and supports
multiple file types (e.g., pdf
, docx
, json
, csv
, etc.) as well as different file
systems (e.g., local, S3, GCS, etc.).
To insert parsed documents into a Compass
index, the Compass SDK provides a
class that allows to interact with a Compass API server. The Compass API
is also a RESTful API that allows to create, delete and search documents in a Compass
index. To install a Compass API service, please refer to the Compass
Fill in your URL, username, password, and path to test data below for an end to end run of parsing and searching.
from compass_sdk.clients import CompassClient, CompassParserClient
from compass_sdk import MetadataStrategy, MetadataConfig
# Using cohere_web_test folder for data
url = "<COMPASS_URL>"
username = "<COMPASS_USERNAME>"
password = "<COMPASS_PASSWORD>"
index = "test-index"
data_to_index = "<PATH_TO_TEST_DATA>"
# Parse the files before indexing
parser_url = url + '/parse'
parsing_client = CompassParserClient(parser_url = parser_url)
metadata_config = MetadataConfig(
commandr_extractable_attributes=["date", "link", "page_title", "authors"]
docs_to_index = parsing_client.process_folder(folder_path=data_to_index, metadata_config=metadata_config)
# Create index and insert files
compass_client = CompassClient(index_url=url)
results = compass_client.insert_docs(index_name=index, docs=docs_to_index)
results =, query="test", top_k=1)
print(f"Results preview: \n {results.result['hits'][-1]} ... \n \n ")
We use Poetry to manage our Python environment. To create the virtual environment use the following command:
poetry install
We use pytest
for testing. So, you can simply run tests using the following command:
poetry run python -m pytest
We provide .vscode
folder for those developers who prefer to use VSCode. You just need
to open the folder in VSCode and VSCode should pick our settings.
We love and appreciate Coding Standards and so we enforce them in our code base.
However, without automation, enforcing Coding Standards usually result in a lot of
frustration for developers when they publish Pull Requests and our linters complain. So,
we automate our formatting and linting with pre-commit. All
you need to do is install our pre-commit
hook so the code gets formatted automatically
when you commit your changes locally:
pip install pre-commit