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Workshop Content

richard morris edited this page Jun 25, 2024 · 2 revisions

This workshop consists of four sections.

1. Issues in Experimental Design:

Note There is no separate wiki page for this section.

Understanding the Critical Impact of Experimental Design.

  • How do different properties of sequence data influence method development and subsequent conclusions drawn from experiments?
  • Exploring other key considerations in experimental design.

Efficient Strategies for Data Retrieval from Sequence Data Sources.

  • How to download a collection of GenBank sequences using a list of their identifiers.
  • How to retrieve valuable data, including alignments, from Ensembl using the command line with EnsemblLite.

Building Robust Data-Wrangling Pipelines

  • Develop strategies for data exploration, and learn how to use the outcomes of data exploration for the construction of well-informed data-wrangling pipelines.
  • Learn how these pipelines can be integrated into the alignment process, ensuring automated data provenance and reproducibility.

Practical Problem-Solving with cogent3

  • Engage in hands-on problem-solving with a real-world scenario.
  • Apply knowledge from the workshop to devise and implement custom solutions using cogent3.