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Section 2 The Docker Container

Gavin Huttley edited this page Jul 7, 2024 · 3 revisions

What is in the Workshop Docker environment

  • an tarballed installation for three great apes, including genome sequences, genome features, gene homology and whole genome alignments between the species.
  • git clones of the EnsemblLite and Cogent3 repositories
  • Python dependencies, including support for Jupyter notebooks for interactive analyses.

But we need to finalise the container setup!

Updating the environment

We need to do a few things within the container in order to start using EnsembleLite.

So start your Docker engines. Within VS Code, navigate to the SMBE workshop directory and open that as a container.

We then get a terminal session going (Terminal > New Terminal).

Update a jupyter dependency

 pip install ipywidgets -U

Update EnsemblLite

cd ~/repos/EnsemblLite
git pull
pip uninstall ensembl_lite -y
pip install -e .

Update Cogent3

cd ~/repos/Cogent3
git pull
pip uninstall cogent3 -y
pip install -e .

Inflate the demo installation

As part of the installation, a tarball of an EnsemblLite installation for three great apes was downloaded. We are going to inflate that now.


Don't delete the apes_112.tar.gz file without editing the Dockerfile, ottherwise it will be redownloaded again!

cd ~/workspace/data
tar zxf apes_112.tar.gz

This will take a couple of minutes.

Now we're ready to use the installation.