[3.0.0] - 2018-02-04
- 01ec0d - repeat patter expander test - @norberttech
- df73c8 - backslash before native functions - @norberttech
- #117 - count()-Expander to readme - @masseelch
- ae1bb3 - Code cleanup - @norberttech
- fb88c7 - Converted double to single quotes in simple strings - @norberttech
- 5da0bc - branch alias - @norberttech
- #114 - [3.0] Fix bad encoding in Repeat expander - @eliecharra
- #115 - Support for Symfony 4 - @Nyholm
- #110 - 3.0 - Add repeat expander feature - @LeaklessGfy
- #105 - Possibility to use expanders for multiple matchers - @SpartakusMd
- #104 - Implement PHP 7.0 features - @norberttech
- #102 - Allow to mark JSON properties & XML nodes as optional - @teklakct
- #97 - Allow @...@ to match none or more elements - @Gamesh
- #100 - update deps to phpunit 6.x, fix code and tests - @andreasschacht
- 34afc2 - Prepare matcher for 3.0 release - @norberttech
- #98 - broken headings in Markdown files - @bryant1410
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