This is a helper tool I wrote to manage my NixOS systems. It has a decent set of features and works for me, but it might not work for you.
I mostly wrote it so I wouldn't have to remember the lower level Nix commands (and if I forgot, the commands are in the source code).
NixOS system management tool
Usage: nixos-systool [OPTIONS] --flake-path <FLAKE_PATH> <COMMAND>
apply Apply the system configuration using nixos-rebuild
apply-user Apply user configuration using home-manager
clean Run garbage collection on the Nix store
build Build the system configuration, without applying it
prune Prune old generations from the Nix store
search Search Nixpkgs or NixOS options
update Update the system flake lock
check Check if the flake lock is outdated
print-config Print the currently loaded configuration including defaults
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-f, --flake-path <FLAKE_PATH>
Path to the system configuration flake repository [env: SYS_FLAKE_PATH=/home/jeremy/.config/nixos]
-c, --current-flake-path <CURRENT_FLAKE_PATH>
Path to the current system flake in the Nix store [default: /etc/current-system-flake]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information