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FabFit CodeZilla hackathon 2018


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why this app

  • The app uses the hardware step counter which is very accurate than accelometer.
  • Because of hardware sensor it ll be battery friendly
  • The app counts or tracks the steps even if you don't use the app in front which most rivals couldn't do .
  • App is light weight.


  • some screen may be not the same due to version downgrading of the desgin support library

contribution and learning

please if possible continue the branch support desgin v28 to adopt new material components

Things we can add over the one i devloped.

  • From the Histroy we can do the UI for Achievements

  • Using google's activity recognition api we can find users activites and calculate calories based on that.

  • further we can say speed according to activity .

  • Localization coontributors can add support to Sinhala & Tamil or other languages.

  • check wiki

  • about contribution


  • steps and calories are storing in your mobile
  • we won't use your height,weight and age or email for any other purposes.


Simple FabFit app using the step-sensor which introuduced in KitKat version of android for minimal battery consumption which runs in hardware level.

more info about step counter sensor:

youtube video link

We can implement own step-detection algorithm or Sensor Fusion and other Algorithms using the acceleration data from Accelerometer sensor.But the battery use is extremely high as you have to keep the system awake.Since most the devices now have sensor for step dector better and recommended to use to save battery which crucial in mobile devices.

Accelometer based app

bagillevi devloped one follow link


Github user name j4vlin created a app based on sensor counter method

So FabFit uses the hardware step detection sensor of the Samsung S7, which is already running even when not using any stepcounting app. Therefore the app does not drain any additional battery. Unlike other apps, this app does not track your movement or your location so it doesn't need to turn on your GPS sensor aslo.


* Sign in with your Google account! beacuase currently only google sign in enabled
  • setup your profile first by navigate to profile then edit info.

  • In Profile Editinfo Section

  • Set your Weight Default is 52Kg

  • Set your Height Default is 173cm

  • You can update profile photo and name taping photo in editinfo section

  • Set your goal! in settings, Default is 10000 It is recommended that you take 10000 steps a day.

  • This app will keep track of how much and how far you walked, all day, every day. History is presented neatly.

  • It retirve tweets from twitter for hashtag "fitness"


  • calories calculation formula used from this link


Declaring sensors requirement in the manifest

If your app requires support for the step counter you will have to declare it in the app's AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.sensor.stepcounter " android:required="true"/>

## first Contributers
* codezilla 
* [email protected] Kekayan kekayan IA9