Hi there 👋
I'm Indira Endaya, and am happiest when working in that sweet spot where technology, art and storytelling come together. My interests include digital humanities, data journalism and visualisation, storytelling and drawing with code, indie game UX design, and machine learning. I enjoy working with p5js and recently I've been exploring d3, Rive, and GSAP.
Instagram/Threads || Previous Works/Works-in-progress || My GitHub Skyline 2023 || Diary of a lifelong learner/midlifey noob/MOOC addict
banner art based on a Demonstration of Craig Reynolds' "Flocking" behavior. Rules: Cohesion, Separation, Alignment (from natureofcode.com) with code from the p5js libraries
Reference for using README as profile from Laura Cole 1900. So lucky to have you as our bootcamp instructor.
Pinned-repo and stats cards generated by GitHub Readme Stats by Anurag Hazra
My Learning Journey guiding lights: