Codename One 3.0
You can read the far more detailed release announcement here.
Notice that you should always install the latest release of Codename One thru
Highlights of this release include:
New iOS VM
When Codename One debuted we used XMLVM as the underlying iOS virtual machine abstraction. XMLVM is an excellent product but its unmaintained and its goals are too different from the goals of Codename One. The new VM includes some features that would be remarkably hard to achieve with XMLVM such as: proper stack traces, faster builds (2x overall!), smaller code size, concurrent GC, deep OS binding (String - NSString relationship) etc.
JavaScript build target (technology preview)
Allows compiling Codename One applications to JavaScript client side webapps without server side code. Notice that this support includes threading support.
Notice that this feature will be restricted to enterprise developers once it enters beta.
The Java VM work is based on TeaVM an OSS Java-JavaScript VM.
Charts API
The charts API supports drawing a wide range of charts such as bar, pie, line etc. It supports animating charts and is based on the aChartEngine Android API.
New Demos
- Property Cross - Browse properties for sale in the UK using a JSON webservice. Shows off JSON webservices, InfiniteScroll, URLImage etc.
- Dr Sbaitso - Demonstrates an AI bubble chat interface, includes text to speech using native interface and more.
- Photoshare - A simple social networking app that allows sharing photos
- Charts - Demonstrates all chart types
- Geoviz - Performs statistic analysis over US population based on locale specific data
- Flickr - Demo for the Toolbar class showing special title area effects
New Themes
New beautiful and functional themes are now available through the plugins and the designer tool.
Toolbar API
More advanced and highly customizable API for handling the title area. It allows adding search to the title, animating its appearance/folding, placing commands arbitrarily and using the side menu.
Simplified image download to an icon or preview, that allows to implicitly apply special effects to said image (e.g. round corners, scaling etc.).
Built demos into the Eclipse/NetBeans Plugins
The main Codename One demos are now built-into the plugin so you can try them immediately without fixing classpaths and without downloading additional software.
New Android graphics pipeline
We rewrote the graphics pipeline on Android to work better in Android 4.x+ and use hardware acceleration where applicable. This new pipeline also includes support for the Shape & transform API's.
Regular expression and validation support
We added a new regular expression package and a new validation framework that simplifies error highlighting for input. As part of that work we also presented a rudimentary masked input UI.
High DPI Image Support
There are 3 new DPI levels in Codename One all of which are now supported by the designer: DENSITY_560, DENSITY_2HD & DENSITY_4K.
Support for opening HTML files with hierarchies & Tar support
The builtin HTML support was improved by providing a way to open a hierarchy of files and not just a self contained HTML file. As part of this improvement we also added support to the tar file format.
New Morph & Flip Transitions
The morph transition was inspired by the Material design UI, converting a component on one form to a component on another form. The flip transition provides an impressive 3d effect thats trivial to apply to any form or transition.
A new "modless" dialog that can "float" on top of the UI using the layered pane capability of the parent form
Significantly enhanced developer guide
We redid the developer guide from the ground up converting it to asciidoc and integrating it into the website in a more fluent way. We increased its breadth by over 50%.
iOS Beta Test Support (testflight)
Apple introduced a new way to test mobile applications for up to 1000 beta testers based on the testflight framework (but not to be confused with the old product). We now support distributing apps via this process for pro users.
MiG layout support
MiG layout is one of the popular cross platform Java layout managers that works across FX, Swing, AWT and now on Codename One as well...
Facebook improvements such as publish support & version 2.0 API
Facebook made a lot of changes to its API such as requiring a special publish permission and migrating graph calls to version 2.0. Both are now integrated into Codename One.
Added webservice wizard to simplify client-server calls
The webservice wizard allows us to generate RPC calls to the server including servlet and client stubs.
Support for badging the native OS icon on iOS
We now support updating and setting a badge on an app icons in iOS devices.
TCP socket support
We finally added support for TCP sockets into Codename One.
Advanced keyboard input in iOS that doesn't fold implicitly
This is an implementation of a feature that was requested quite a while back. Historically, when moving from one text field to the next the VKB would fold and reopen. We now allow you to seamlessly move between input fields.