A set of tools for scraping and analyzing data from the Tulsa Government Access Television (TGOV) website.
This project uses Poetry for dependency management.
# Install dependencies
poetry install --no-root
# Activate the virtual environment
poetry self add poetry-plugin-shell
poetry shell
# Install Jupyter kernel for this environment (needed for Jupyter notebooks)
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=tgov-scraper --display-name="TGOV Scraper"
jupyter notebook
# Run all tests
# Run specific tests
pytest tests/test_meetings.py
# Run tests with verbose output
pytest -v
: Source code for the scrapermodels/
: Pydantic models for data representation
- 'scripts`: one off scripts for downloading, conversions, etc
: Test filesnotebooks/
: Jupyter notebooks for analysis and explorationdata/
: output from notebooks
poetry run python scripts/download_m3u8.py 'https://archive-stream.granicus.com/OnDemand/_definst_/mp4:archive/tulsa-ok/tulsa-ok_843d30f2-b631-4a16-8018-a2a31930be70.mp4/playlist.m3u8' --output data/video/test_granicus_video.mp4
poetry run python scripts/video2text.py data/video/test_granicus_video.mp4 --model-size tiny --verbose