PostCSS plugin that creates sprites using css rules prefixed by cys-
What you need is just to write your css rule using cys-
prefix and assign it the cys-src
required declaration. That's All.
/* Input example */
.cys-[className] {
cys-src: [folderName];
/* Output example */
.className-imagename {
background-image: url("/[httpDest]/[spriteName].png[?cacheBuster]");
.className-imagename {
background-position: 168px 171px;
$ npm i [--save] postcss-cyspriter
let cyspriterOptions = {
src: './examples/images',
dest: './examples/sprites',
relativeTo: './examples/dist'
- src {string} - Full (or relative) file system path where sprite-folders are kept.
- dest {string} - Full (or relative) file system path where generated sprites must be saved
- relativeTo {string} - Full (or relative) file system path usable in output css
- cys-src {string} - The directory name that contains all images that will compose the sprite, this property will be merged with the global
option (src = path.join(global.src, src);
) - cys-debug {boolean} - Enables debug info for sprite instance
- verbose {boolean} [verbose = false] - Decides whether or not to print additional debug info in console
- cacheBuster {boolean} [cacheBuster = true] - Append a query string to the sprite to prevent cache
- httpDest {string} [httpDest = ''] - Full web server path where generated sprites are deployed, if provided the relativeTo option will be ignored
- padding {integer} [padding = 0] - Spacing in pixel between each image
- retina {boolean} [retina = false] - Allows support for retina displays
- ratio {number} [ratio = 2] - Defines the ratio to be applied to images retina
- includeSize {boolean} [includeSize = true] - Decides whether or not to include the dimensions in the output rules
- decorate {boolean} [decorate = true] - Decides whether or not to include useful declarations in the output rules
- layout {string} [layout = 'smart'] - Sets the layout of the generated sprite. Possible values are:
NOTE: except for httpDest and verbose options, each option can be overridden for sprite instance using the cys-
prefix. Example:
.cys-icons {
cys-src: 'icons';
cys-padding: 5px;
cys-include-size: false;
cys-layout: 'vertical';
If cyspriter finds an image with (hover|active|focus|target) in the filename, a pseudo-selector will be generated. Example:
considering a filename as follows: foo_active.png
cyspriter generates a rule like this:
.[spritemap]-foo:active { ... }
Postcss community already has two sprite plugins:
Why cys-spriter is different?
postcss-sprites groups all background images into a single sprite, we don't! We make sprites only when specified, our solutions is thought about building set of images, as icons for example.
postcss-easysprites is similar to postcss-sprites with the difference that you need to specify the sprite-map in order to pack the background-image.
Definitively, we built cys-spriter having in mind what compass-spriting does. For further information, you should have a look at Compass Spriting
See PostCSS docs for examples for your environment.
Contributor | Type | |
Luca Pau | author | [email protected] |
Giuseppe Mandato | author | [email protected] |
Copyright (c) 2015 Code-Y - Luca Pau, Giuseppe Mandato. See LICENSE for details.