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####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with concat
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


The concat module lets you construct files from multiple ordered fragments of text.

##Module Description

The concat module lets you gather concat::fragment resources from your other modules and order them through a single concat resource into a coherent file. It does this through a Ruby script and a temporary holding space for the fragments.


###What concat affects

  • Installs concatfragments.rb.
  • Adds a concat/ directory into Puppet's vardir.

###Beginning with concat

To start using concat you need to create:

  • A concat{} resource for the final file.
  • One or more concat::fragment{}s.

A minimal example might be:

concat { '/tmp/file':
  ensure => present,

concat::fragment { 'tmpfile':
  target  => '/tmp/file',
  content => 'test contents',
  order   => '01'


###Maintain a list of the major modules on a node

To maintain an motd file that lists the modules on one of your nodes, first create a class to frame up the file:

class motd {
  $motd = '/etc/motd'

  concat { $motd:
    owner => 'root',
    group => 'root',
    mode  => '0644'

  concat::fragment{ 'motd_header':
    target  => $motd,
    content => "\nPuppet modules on this server:\n\n",
    order   => '01'

  # let local users add to the motd by creating a file called
  # /etc/motd.local
  concat::fragment{ 'motd_local':
    target => $motd,
    source => '/etc/motd.local',
    order  => '15'

# let other modules register themselves in the motd
define motd::register($content="", $order='10') {
  if $content == "" {
    $body = $name
  } else {
    $body = $content

  concat::fragment{ "motd_fragment_$name":
    target  => '/etc/motd',
    order   => $order,
    content => "    -- $body\n"

Then, in the declarations for each module on the node, add motd::register{ 'Apache': } to register the module in the motd.

class apache {
  include apache::install, apache::config, apache::service

  motd::register{ 'Apache': }

These two steps populate the /etc/motd file with a list of the installed and registered modules, which stays updated even if you just remove the registered modules' include lines. System administrators can append text to the list by writing to /etc/motd.local.

When you're finished, the motd file will look something like this:

  Puppet modules on this server:

    -- Apache
    -- MySQL

  <contents of /etc/motd.local>


Note: Several of this module's parameters and features have been deprecated. See the Deprecations section below.

###Public defines

  • concat: Manages a file, compiled from one or more text fragments.
  • concat::fragment: Manages a fragment of text to be compiled into a file.



All the parameters listed below are optional.


Specifies whether (and how) to back up the destination file before overwriting it. Your value gets passed on to Puppet's native file resource for execution. Valid options: 'true', 'false', or a string representing either a target filebucket or a filename extension beginning with ".". Default value: 'puppet'.


Specifies whether to backup concat fragments using the backup setting of the target concat file. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default value: 'false'.


Specifies whether the destination file should exist. Setting to 'absent' tells Puppet to delete the destination file if it exists, and negates the effect of any other parameters. Valid options: 'present' and 'absent'. Default value: 'present'.


Specifies whether to ensure there's a new line at the end of each fragment. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default value: 'false'.


In case no fragments have been added, this parameter specifies whether to go ahead and create a potentially empty file. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default value: 'false'.


Specifies a permissions group for the destination file. Valid options: a string containing a group name. Default value: undefined.


Specifies the permissions mode of the destination file. Valid options: a string containing a permission mode value in octal notation. Default value: '0644'.


Specifies a method for sorting your fragments by name within the destination file. Valid options: 'alpha' (e.g., '1, 10, 2') or 'numeric' (e.g., '1, 2, 10'). Default value: 'alpha'.

You can override this setting for individual fragments by adjusting the order parameter in their concat::fragment declarations.


Specifies the owner of the destination file. Valid options: a string containing a username. Default value: undefined.


Specifies a destination file for the combined fragments. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default value: the title of your declared resource.


Specifies whether to overwrite the destination file if it already exists. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default value: 'true'.


Specifies whether to set the show_diff parameter for the file resource. Useful for hiding secrets stored in hiera from insecure reporting methods. Valid options: 'true


Specifies a validation command to apply to the destination file. Requires Puppet version 3.5 or newer. Valid options: a string to be passed to a file resource. Default value: undefined.


Specifies whether to add a warning message at the top of the destination file so users know it was autogenerated by Puppet. Valid options: 'true', 'false', or a string to be delivered as a warning message. Default value: 'false'.

If you set this parameter to 'true', Puppet adds the following message:

# This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT.


See the file type's selinux_ignore_defaults documentention.


See the file type's selrange documentention.


See the file type's selrole documentention.


See the file type's seltype documentention.


See the file type's seluser documentention.


Except where noted, all the below parameters are optional.


Supplies the content of the fragment. Note: You must supply either a content parameter or a source parameter. Valid options: a string. Default value: undef.


Specifies whether the fragment should be included in the destination file or discarded. Valid options: 'present' and 'absent'. Default value: 'present'.


Reorders your fragments within the destination file. Fragments that share the same order number are ordered by name. Valid options: a string (recommended) or an integer. Default value: '10'.


Specifies a file to read into the content of the fragment. Note: You must supply either a content parameter or a source parameter. Valid options: a string or an array, containing one or more Puppet URLs. Default value: undefined.


Required. Specifies the destination file of the fragment. Valid options: a string containing the title of the parent concat resource.


concat has the following deprecations


Generates a catalog compile time warning and has no effect. This parameter was silently ignored in version 1.0.0 and will be removed in a future release.

#####stringified 'true'/'false' values deprecated in warn

Passing stringified boolean values (strings of 'true' and 'false') to the warn parameter of concat is deprecated. Generates a catalog compile time warning, and will be silently treated as the concatenated file header/warning message in a future release.

Please migrate to using the Puppet DSL's native Boolean data type.

concat::fragment has the following deprecations


Generates a catalog compile time warning and has no effect. In the 1.0.0 release this parameter controlled file bucketing of the file fragment. Bucketing the fragment(s) is redundant with bucketing the final concatenated file and this feature has been removed.


Generates a catalog compile time warning and has no effect. Had no user-visible effect in version 1.0.0 and will be removed in a future release.


Generates a catalog compile time warning and has no effect. Had no user-visible effect in version 1.0.0 and will be removed in a future release.


Generates a catalog compile time warning and has no effect. Had no user-visible effect in version 1.0.0 and will be removed in a future release.

#####file paths are deprecated in ensure

Passing a value other than 'present' or 'absent' in the ensure parameter of concat::fragment is deprecated, and generates a catalog compile time warning. The warning will become a catalog compilation failure in a future release.

If you want to use the content of a file as a fragment please use the source parameter.


The concat::setup class should no longer be directly included in the manifest. It will be removed in a future release.


This module has been tested on all PE-supported platforms, and no issues have been identified.


Puppet Labs modules on the Puppet Forge are open projects, and community contributions are essential for keeping them great. We can't access the huge number of platforms and myriad of hardware, software, and deployment configurations that Puppet is intended to serve.

We want to keep it as easy as possible to contribute changes so that our modules work in your environment. There are a few guidelines that we need contributors to follow so that we can have a chance of keeping on top of things.

For more information, see our module contribution guide.


To see who's already involved, see the list of contributors.


File concatenation system for Puppet







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  • Ruby 82.7%
  • Puppet 17.3%