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Feature: Kubernetes: Containers View

Stef Walter edited this page May 12, 2015 · 2 revisions

Containers listing view.


  • Goal: Show and interact with containers running in kubernetes.
  • Kubernetes containers are actually the real meat of the orchestration. Containers containers should be readily accessible for interaction diagnosis and status.
  • Scope: The pods and nodes may be listed as aspects of what a container is running for/where, but they are not displayed as first class objects in this view.
  • Answers questions like:
    • "Which containers are actually running?"
    • "Why is this container restarting, what is the failure?"


Phillip J. Fry leads a small IT at a moderately sized firm. His company has a modest data center.

Phillip is running the '' application. '' is an application that runs on top of a Kubernetes cluster. This morning the application stopped "working". Phillip uses the containers view to look at its containers, and examine the output of a container.

Hermes Conrad is the VP of engineering at a large corporation.

Hermes is exploring Kubernetes as a way to orchestrate containers. He has just setup a Kubernetes master, and add further machines. Hermes has no deep knowledge of Kubernetes, but Docker was seemed easy to discover hands-on, and wants to do the same here. Hermes uses the containers view to find a container, start a shell in it, and manually change a setting manually to see its effect.



  • Clicks on the a failed service on the Cockpit Kubernetes Dashboard
  • Is taken to a listing of all containers in the service.
  • He can see that one of the containers is waiting to start.
  • Is able to diagnose a missing application container image that wasn't pushed to the right repo.


  • Clicks on a service on the Cockpit Kubernetes Dashboard
  • Is taken to a listing of all containers in the service.
  • Adjusts the labels slightly to change the number of containers displayed.
  • Expands a container to show its log output.
  • Clicks a button to start a shell in the terminal.
  • Configures a file in a config directory of the container.
  • Watches for its effect on the application.

Implementation Notes and Technical Limitations

  • Watch for changes in kubernetes and update listing on the fly.
  • Failures should stand out.
  • Try to limit display of information to what we get from kubernetes.
  • The exception is terminal/logs interaction, which we do with cockpit on the destination node directly.


  • Wireframes incomplete *


Please give feedback on the above! This is the place where those not working on the feature can provide insight, questions, limitations, notes etc.

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  • ... (sign name)
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