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Feature: Kubernetes: Basic Graphs

Stef Walter edited this page Apr 7, 2015 · 4 revisions

Basic graphs provided on the dashboard.


  • This is at the top of the first page the user sees. The graphs are shown above the basic dashboard.
  • Show basic load and simple events.
  • Show what happened on the cluster.


Phillip J. Fry leads a small IT at a moderately sized firm. His company has a modest data center.

Phillip is running the '' application. '' is an application that runs on top of a Kubernetes cluster. This morning the application stopped "working". Phillip uses the dashboard to diagnose the issue.

Hermes Conrad is the VP of engineering at a large corporation.

Hermes is exploring Kubernetes as a way to orchestrate containers. He has just setup a Kubernetes master, and add further machines. Hermes has no deep knowledge of Kubernetes, but Docker was seemed easy to discover hands-on, and wants to do the same here. Hermes uses the dashboard to see which services are running, where they are running, and start exploring the cluster.



Implementation Notes and Technical Limitations





Please give feedback on the above! This is the place where those not working on the feature can provide insight, questions, limitations, notes etc.

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