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First beta for cnping version 1.0

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@cnlohr cnlohr released this 27 Sep 05:58
· 73 commits to master since this release

Considering there's been a bit of a push over the last several months, I'm planning on trying to actually make cnping a release. This is cnping 1.0b1. Let's get some comments in and see how it goes. It seems that Windows 10 will ask you once for permission to execute the binary, but after that you're home free, so I recommend moving to your c:\windows folder! On Linux and OSX, you will need to set the sticky bit to use the tool.

NOTE This is primarily for Windows, there is a bug for *NIX builds in this release, If *nix you will need 1.0b2 use master until a new release is made.

For Windows, it comes up with options if you execute the tool, or you can just type cnping or cnping to ping with ICMP and HTTP respectively.
