This library and accompanied examples demonstrate a system for label tracking within the Scala programming language as well a fairly general policy enforcement system based on tracked labels. This document serves as an overview of the system and a description of the demonstration.
This document relies on basic knowledge of Scala syntax. A brief overview can be found at Scala Tour: Basics. The label tracking described here is loosely based on the Labeled IO (LIO) library for haskell.
The implementation presented here is a shallow label tracking, meaning that no changes to the Scala language are necessary; all of the functionality is provided by a set of classes and methods implemented in standard Scala itself.
Labels serve as the basis of the enforcement system. Labels are
security-relevant annotations that accompany data (and computations)
throughout the execution of a program. A string labeled with label
type L
, is given a type Labeled[L, String]
val secret: Labeled[L, String] = ???
A value that has been labeled can only be inspected in the context of
a label-aware computation modeled as a monad named here LIO
. Though
the shallow embedding of labeled programming requires special effort
on behalf of the programmer, Scala does provide some convenient syntax
for working with monadic computations such as the for
val ready: LIO[L, Boolean] = for {
actual_secret <- unlabel secret
} yield (actual_secret == "attack at dawn")
The above example is a label-manipulating computation that inspects a
labeled string to check whether it is equal to "attack at dawn". It is
important to remember that defining such computations does not execute
them. Executing a label manipulating computation is performed using a
special method of the LIO
val actually_ready: Boolean = ready.TCBeval(...)
Methods such as TCBeval
and others starting with TCB refer to
trusted invocations to be restricted to a trusted computing base
(TCB). These methods must be used correctly in order to provide the
protections of this system. The arguments to TCBeval include a context
and a policy to be discussed further in this document.
The significance of a label varies and can include any annotation relevant to an intended policy. The demonstration here includes labels to represent contextual information such as purpose and role, and several origin annotations including person, location, and time.
abstract class Purpose extends Label ...
abstract class Role extends Label ...
abstract class Origin extends Label ...
abstract class Person extends Origin ...
abstract class Location extends Origin ...
abstract class Time extends Origin ...
A data value might need to have associated with it multiple annotations. For example an aggregation from a table whose rows are annotated with different time instances need to indicate that the origin of the aggregate includes all of those time instances. Tracking distinct labels could become cumbersome if the number of such labels grows. For this reason, labels are designed with sound approximation in mind.
Labels form lattices with an approximate union operation (least upper bound, join, or ⊔) and an approximate intersection operation (greatest lower bound, meet, or ⨅) as well as special top (⊤) and bottom (⊥) elements that approximate universal or empty sets respectively. As an example, the Time label is designed to represent moments of time. The model in the demo is able to represent single time instances, all time instances between two moments, all instances, and no instances:
sealed abstract class Time extends Label {
def join(b: That): Time = ...
def meet(b: That): Time = ...
case class AtTime(t: Timestamp) extends Time ...
case class Between(after: Timestamp, before: Timestamp) extends Time ...
case class Always() extends Time ...
case class Never() extends Time ...
val ⊤: Time = Always()
val ⊥: Time = Never()
The join operation over-approximates two labels into one that has to represent at least all of the instances represented by both inputs. The meet operation under-approximates two labels into one that represents at most instances represented by both input labels.
Labels also come with an ordering operations ⊑ that determines whether instances represented on the left are wholly covered by instances represented on the right.
def ⊑(a: Label, b: Label): Boolean = a ⊔ b == b
def ⊒(a: Label, b: Label): Boolean = a ⨅ b == b
def ⊏(a: Label, b: Label): Boolean = a ⊑ b && a != b
def ⊐(a: Label, b: Label): Boolean = a ⊒ b && a != b
This and related ordering operations are the basis of policy specification. Policy restrict the labels or rather the order of labels that arise inside of label-manipulating computations (more on policies later).
The approximation scheme is fairly general and allows designs in support of various policy goals. For example, if business hours need to be accurately represented for policy purposes, this can be made precise in a Time label by including an approximate boolean indicating such:
case class BusinessTime(time: Time, is_business_hours: ABoolean) extends Time ...
The approximate boolean ABoolean
indicates true or false as is
normal, but also both or neither. Policies that require origins to be
completely within business hours can then make use of
to make sure no non-business-hours origin has
tainted a value.
Policies indicate the conditions under which data protected by the LIO
monad can become available outside of it. Evaluation of a protected
computation and the policy check is performed using the TCBeval
operation on an LIO[L, T]
def TCBeval(context: Label, policy: Policy): T
The method returns T
or fails with a policy violation if the given
policy does not allow for the release of the data. The additional
label provided here is intended to convey contextual
annotations such as purpose of the given release.
Policies are composed of a basic components which are just functions
that, given a label of a computation, optionally return a boolean
indicating whether the request is allowed or not (the return value of
indicates that the policy does not apply either way.
trait Policy ... {
def apply(p: Label): Option[Boolean]
This definition above fairly general and allow one to check whether the inferred label of a piece of data is or is not of a particular type or has some particular feature. The goal, however, is for policies to check whether the inferred label contains a label of particular interest (contains in terms of an approximation that includes it). The most convenient way of checking inclusion is using the lattice ordering operations mentioned earlier:
def ⊑(a: Label, b: Label): Boolean = a ⊔ b == b
def ⊒(a: Label, b: Label): Boolean = a ⨅ b == b
def ⊏(a: Label, b: Label): Boolean = a ⊑ b && a != b
def ⊐(a: Label, b: Label): Boolean = a ⊒ b && a != b
For example, if we have an abstract boolean indicating business hours
as part, we can check that it is true, or at least not false,
business_hours ⊒ ATrue
. This stipulates that a label assigned to a
protected computation or data needs to be assigned origins that are at
least during business hours.
Notice that in order to be sound in determining the statement above,
the system needs to track an under-approximation of the labels
assigned to a computation. That is, if we over-approximate a boolean
indicating business hours to be both true and false (and
over-approximation), the test business_hours ⊒ ATrue
will be unsound
in that it will return true even though non-business hour origin could
have been involved. On the other hand, checking business_hours ⊑ ATrue
soundly requires an over-approximation. Thus the system tracks
both over and under approximations of labels using both the meet and
join operations noted earlier in this document.
The system provided a convenient way (via various implicit definitions
and implicit classes) of writing policies that compare labels. These
are written using three components: a selector that access some part
of a larger label, a label comparison, and a label to compare to. In
the demo, there are many components in the overall label (type
), requiring selectors to pick out the necessary component.
case class Selector[DL,L](val select: DL => L) ...
Combined a selector, a condition, and a label we can write simply
Origin.Time.BusinessHours ⊒ ATrue
to designate a policy described
above. Origin.Time.BusinessHours
is a selector, ⊒
is a comparison,
and ATrue
is the right-hand side of the condition operation. Simple
compound policies can be constructed using various operators such as
Origin.Person ⊐ and Purpose ⊒ Purpose.Sharing
Base policies can be combined into larger compound policies that are more convenient at specifying a real-world policy. The tool for this provided is the Legalese policy. A Legalese policy is a single allow or deny condition followed by a sequence of exceptions of the opposing consequent. A Legalese policy allows a request if it is an allow policy for which the top-level condition holds, and none of the exceptions deny it.
Several convenience implicits enabled a concise syntax for Legalese policies:
val specExample = allow.except(
deny(Origin.Person ⊐ and Purpose ⊒ Purpose.Sharing)
allow(Role ⊒ Role.Affiliate),
allow(Purpose ⊒ Purpose.Legal)
- SBT build file. Runsbt run
to run download dependencies and compile and run the main demo. -
- scala sources. -
- use-case where smart building policy rules over components such as the HVAC system. -
- example translation of a simple unlabeled program to one with labels and in monadic style. -
- example policy that is described in the "A Policy Language for Origin Privacy" document. -
- defines labels for the main smart building demo. -
- utilities and implicits for each definition of the demo's policies. -
- types and aliases for unlabeled data in the demo. -
- LIO monad and related. -
- Label class and others that extend it. -
- Legalese-like policy language. -
- Base policy class definition. -
- Some label examples. -
- Utilities, mostly related to starting Spark and reading/writing files.
- label that tracks purpose, and three types of origin: person, location, time. -
or aliasDL
- the complete label composed of various sub-labels used in the demo. -
Labeled[L, T]
or aliasLd[T] = Ld[DL, T]
- labeled data of typeT
or aliasLIO[T] = Core.LIO[DL, T]
- a label-manipulating computation that returnsT