Online Learning with Akka
This repository contains a simple collection of actors which we use to train a convolutional neural network using with images from the MNIST database. The system consists of three actors:
is responsible for sending images toConsumer
trains a neural network after receiving messagesCoordinator
is used to facilitate communcation betweenConsumer
, and the outside world.
The classifier is a neural net, build via Deeplearning4j.
To build the application, run:
sbt assembly
This will produce target/scala-2.13/akkatrain.jar
, which can be used like any other jar. To start a demo application, run:
java -cp target/scala-2.13/akkatrain.jar org.cmhh.Main
Note that dl4j is huge, so a fat jar will weigh in at well over 1GB. Modify build.sbt if you have dl4j already in your classpath. Also note that the dependencies are configured to use the CUDA back-end for dl4j, but the CPU back-end can be used instead (and is in project/dependencies.scala, but commented out).