qValet listens for HTTP requests and executes commands on demand.
View docs at https://cmaster11.github.io/qvalet/
- Command execution with templatable fields (command, arguments, environment variables, etc…)
- Some built-in authentication methods
- Storage for payloads and execution results
- Trigger conditions to evaluate if a command should be run or not
- AWS SNS support, to automatically accept subscription requests and receive AWS SNS messages
- Scheduled tasks, to execute commands in the future
- And more!
# Returns the output of the command in the response
return: output
# Command to run, and list of arguments
command: bash
- -c
# You can use templates to customize commands/arguments/env vars
- |
echo "Hello {{ .name }}"
Tested with:
curl "http://localhost:7055/hello?name=Mr.%20Anderson"
Will return:
{"output":"Hello Mr. Anderson\n"}