Tested with:
Create an AR.Detector object:
var detector = new AR.Detector();
Call detect function:
var markers = detector.detect(imageData);
markers result will be an array of AR.Marker objects with detected markers.
AR.Marker objects have two properties:
id: Marker id. corners: 2D marker corners. imageData argument must be a valid ImageData canvas object.
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
Create an POS.Posit object:
var posit = new POS.Posit(modelSize, canvas.width); modelSize argument must be the real marker size (millimeters).
Call pose function:
var pose = posit.pose(corners);
corners must be centered on canvas:
var corners = marker.corners;
for (var i = 0; i < corners.length; ++ i){
var corner = corners[i];
corner.x = corner.x - (canvas.width / 2);
corner.y = (canvas.height / 2) - corner.y;
pose result will be a POS.Pose object with two estimated pose (if any):
bestError: Error of the best estimated pose. bestRotation: 3x3 rotation matrix of the best estimated pose. bestTranslation: Translation vector of the best estimated pose. alternativeError: Error of the alternative estimated pose. alternativeRotation: 3x3 rotation matrix of the alternative estimated pose. alternativeTranslation: Translation vector of the alternative estimated pose. Note: POS namespace can be taken from posit1.js or posit2.js.
To test 100% JavaScript demos use a modern browser like Chrome or Firefox.
THE IDEA HAS BEEN TAKE IT FROM: https://code.google.com/p/js-aruco/