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Data Processing Pipeline for PRISM Sequencing

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Data Processing Pipeline for PRISM Sequencing.


Package can be installed using devtools by running the following command:


Note that the package requires ShortReadfrom BioconductR which may not be automatically installed. Instructions for installing ShortRead can be found on the BioconductR page


Each PrismSeq project should have its own folder within which to process data and save output files. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume you are working with the example_project folder. To begin, your project folder must contains a sample_meta.csv file and a fastq folder with 3 files per sample (index1, index2, read).

A template for the sample_meta.csv file may be found here. Create a copy of the Sequencing Metadata Template [internal] tab, fill it out according to the specifications in the instructions tab, and export the metadata sheet as a csv to your project directory.

Please contact [email protected] for access, if needed.

PRISM EPS sequencing data processing

In contrast to the conventional MTS assay which uses Luminex detection, the Extended Assay (EPS) uses sequencing-based detection.

EPS Pipeline (1)

Raw data for EPS is thus first processed using SUSHI (yellow), the PRISM sequencing data processing pipeline, to obtain normalized counts and log fold-change data.

This data is then passed to the MTS pipeline (orange) for downstream processing such as dose-response fitting and biomarker analysis via the EPS conversion modules (green). Documentation for the MTS pipeline can be found here.

The processed data and visualizations are then available on the PRISM Portal (blue).

Running the Sushi pipeline

In order to run the PrismSeq processing pipeline, you must have copies of the follow three metadata files. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume they are saved in the metadata folder.

  1. cell_line_meta.csv
  2. cell_set_meta.csv
  3. CB_meta.csv

For additional information on the outputs of the PrismSeq processing pipeline see the notes and FAQs here.

Please contact [email protected] to request metadata files and for access to the notes and FAQs document, if needed.

Using R functions

The PrismSeq processing pipeline may run in R using the following functions.

  1. Generate a read count table from fastq files

The function write_df_from_fastq reads in fastq files associated with the project and organizes the reads into a table or dataframe saved as raw_counts.csv.

For assistance in generating fastq files from BCL files please contact [email protected], if needed.

# define invariant strings to identify fastq files
index_1 = "_I1_"
index_2 = "_I2_"
barcode_suffix = "_R1_"

read_directory_contents = c("example_project/fastq/") %>% 
  purrr::map(list.files, full.names = T) %>%

barcode_read_files = read_directory_contents %>%
  purrr::keep(stringr::str_detect, fixed(barcode_suffix)) %>%

index_1_files = read_directory_contents %>%
  purrr::keep(stringr::str_detect, fixed(index_1)) %>%

index_2_files = read_directory_contents %>%
  purrr::keep(stringr::str_detect, fixed(index_2)) %>%

raw_counts = write_df_from_fastq(forward_read_fastq_files = barcode_read_files, 
                                 index_1_files = index_1_files, 
                                 index_2_files = index_2_files,
                                 write_interval = NA) # define write_interval to intermitently write out raw_counts file

raw_counts %>% write.csv("example_project/raw_counts.csv", row.names=F, quote=F)
  1. Filter raw read counts

The function filter_raw_reads filters raw_counts.csv for only the reads associated with the project as defined in the submitted sample meta.

# load relevant metadata
sample_meta = read.csv("example_project/sample_meta.csv")
cell_line_meta = read.csv("metadata/cell_line_meta.csv")
cell_set_meta = read.csv("metadata/cell_set_meta.csv") 
CB_meta = read.csv("metadata/CB_meta.csv")

filtered_counts = filter_raw_reads(raw_counts, 
                                   id_cols=c('cell_set', 'treatment', 'dose','dose_unit','day','bio_rep','tech_rep')) # change the id_cols parameter to designate which metadata column uniquely define each profile

QC_table = filtered_counts$qc_table
annotated_counts= filtered_counts$annotated_counts
filtered_counts = filtered_counts$filtered_counts

QC_table %>% write.csv("example_project/QC_table.csv", row.names=F, quote=F)
annotated_counts %>% write.csv("example_project/annotated_counts.csv", row.names=F, quote=F)
filtered_counts %>% write.csv("example_project/filtered_counts.csv", row.names=F, quote=F)
  1. [Optional] Normalize filtered counts

The function normalize fits a linear model to a set of control barcodes (usually 10) supplied at specific doses. This model is then used to calculate the equivalent dose of cell line barcodes detected in each well. The normalized values are in the units of control barcode doses, and are not interpretable on their own.

This function can only be used if control barcodes are included in the run. If control barcodes were not used, this function can be skipped.

normalized_counts = normalize(filtered_counts, 

normalized_counts %>% write.csv("example_project/normalized_counts.csv", row.names=F, quote=F)
  1. Generate log-fold change values

The function l2fc computes the log2 fold change between treatments and negative controls. This is done by collecting the negative control and collapsing across all replicates. The negative controls are then joined with the treatments to calculate log2 fold change values for each treatment replicate. If normalize was called, then log2 fold change values should be generated from normalized counts. If normalize was not called, log2 fold change values can be calculated from the read counts in filtered_counts.csv by adjusting the count_col_name parameter.

The example code below assues that the previous step, normalize, was performed.

l2fc = compute_l2fc(normalized_counts,
                    control_type = "negcon",
                    sig_cols=c('cell_set', 'treatment', 'dose','dose_unit','day'),
                    count_col_name="normalized_n") # change based on whether you are running compute_l2fc on normalized_counts or filtered_counts

l2fc %>% write.csv("example_project/l2fc.csv", row.names=F, quote=F)
  1. Collapse replicates

This function collapses the biological replicates of the treatments to get a single value for each unique cell line and treatment combination.

collapsed_values = collapse_counts(l2fc)

collapsed_values %>% write.csv("example_project/collapsed_values.csv", row.names=F, quote=F)
  1. [Optional] Generate QC images

This function outputs several files and images that can be used to assess the quality of the run.

          out = "example_project/") 

Using command line tools

The PrismSeq processing tools may alternatively be run through the command line. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that the PrismSeq processing scripts are saved in the tools/scripts/ folder.

Rscript [toolname] --help will provide information about arguments for specified tools.

The same considerations as above apply to the following tools.

  1. Generate a read count table from fastq files
Rscript tools/scripts/fastq2readcounts.R --fastq fastq\ --index_1 _I1_ --index_2 _I2_ --barcode_suffix _R1_
  1. Filter raw read counts
Rscript tools/scripts/filter_counts.R --raw_counts raw_counts.csv --sample_meta sample_meta.csv --id_cols cell_set,treatment,dose,dose_unit,day,bio_rep,tech_rep --cell_line_meta metadata/cell_line_meta.csv --cell_set_meta metadata/cell_set_meta.csv --CB_meta metadata/CB_meta.csv
  1. [Optional] Normalize filtered counts
Rscript tools/scripts/CBnormalize.R --filtered_counts filtered_counts.csv --CB_meta metadata/CB_meta.csv
  1. Generate log-fold change values
Rscript tools/scripts/compute_l2fc.R --normalized_counts normalized_counts.csv --control_type negcon --count_col_name normalized_n
  1. Collapse replicates
Rscript tools/scripts/collapse_replicates.R --lfc l2fc.csv
  1. [Optional] Generate QC images
Rscript filteredCounts_QC.R --sample_meta sample_meta.csv --annotated_counts annotated_counts.csv --filtered_counts filtered_counts.csv --cell_set_meta metadata/cell_set_meta.csv

Running the EPS conversion modules

EPS Pipeline (1)

When processing data from the Extended Day assay, the EPS conversion modules are also run. The 2 EPS conversion modules (green) perform separate tasks:

  1. Quality metric calculations ( EPS_QC.R )

  2. Adding or renaming the column headers of the SUSHI output for downstream compatibility ( )

Files generated by the EPS pipeline that are shared with collaborators

  1. EPS_QC_table.csv: Contains a table with day 10 count information and quality control metrics for each cell line indicating if the data passed raw count QC.

  2. LEVEL3_NORMALIZED_COUNTS.csv: Contains normalized counts in EPS format, generated by running a conversion module to align headers to our downstream EPS pipeline.

  3. LEVEL4_LFC.csv: Contains log-fold change data in EPS format, generated by running a conversion module to align headers to our downstream EPS pipeline.

  4. LEVEL5_LFC.csv: Contains collapsed log fold change data in EPS format, generated by running a conversion module to align headers to our downstream EPS pipeline.

Intermediate files generated by the EPS pipeline that are for internal use (not shared)

  1. normalized_counts.csv: Contains normalized counts, generated by fitting a linear model to a set of 10 control barcodes. Used to generate LEVEL3_NORMALIZED_COUNTS.csv.

  2. l2fc.csv: Contains log-fold change values for each biological replicate you submitted, as compared to your annotated negative control. Used to generate LEVEL4_LFC.csv.

  3. collapsed_values.csv: Contains median-collapsed log-fold change values.Used to generate LEVEL5_LFC.csv.

  4. compound_key.csv: Contains an overview of the perturbations, projects, and doses. Used by EPS conversion modules.

  5. inst_info.csv: Contains a comprehensive summary of compound, dose, cell line, and experimental information. Used by EPS conversion modules.

Conversion of Sushi column headers into EPS format

Column header conversions are outlined below for counts and LFC data, QC, and compound key files. Column headers which are present in only select levels of data are specified in the Description column (i.e. LEVEL4_LFC, LEVEL5_LFC, etc). Headers which are renamed during the SUSHI to EPS Data Conversion show the original name in SUSHI Column and the rename in EPS Column. Headers which are generated during the SUSHI to EPS Data Conversion or downstream in the pipeline have no entries for SUSHI Column.


SUSHI Column EPS Column Description
bio_rep replicate Plate replicate
cb_intercept cb_intercept Intercept of the control barcode normalization
CCLE_name ccle_name Cell line name
cell_set cell_set Cell set information
control_barcode control_barcode Presence of control barcode in a given well
control_MAD_QC control_MAD_QC TRUE if the variance across the biological replicates in the negative control is below threshold of ~1.66 (LEVEL4_LFC)
control_mad_sqrtN control_mad_sqrtN Median Absolute Deviation over the square root of the number of negative controls (LEVEL4_LFC)
control_median_n control_median_n Median collapsed n across the biological replicates of the negative controls (LEVEL4_LFC)
control_median_normalized_n control_median_normalized_n Median normalized n across the biological replicates of the negative control (LEVEL4_LFC)
counts_flag counts_flag This flags entries where the collapsed raw count in the negative control is below a threshold as “negcon<__”. (LEVEL4_LFC)
DepMap_ID depmap_id DepMap cell line ID
feature_id Culture concatenated with cell line name
flag flag This column is filled with “Missing” if the number of reads n is zero. The column is filled with “low counts” if the number of reads n is below the count threshold. This threshold defaults to 40.
log2_dose log2_dose In reference to the control barcode
log2_n log2_n log2(n+pseudocount). A pseudocount (default of 20) is added so that missing cell lines can be carried through the normalization.
log2_normalized_n log2_normalized_n Log normalized count including pseudocount
mean_n mean_n Mean of n across technical reps (LEVEL4_LFC)
mean_normalized_n mean_normalized_n Mean of normalized_n across technical reps (LEVEL4_LFC)
n n Number of Reads
Name Name Control barcode name
normalized_n normalized_n Normalized read count
num_bio_reps num_bio_reps Number of biological replicates of treatment that were collapsed. (LEVEL5_LFC)
num_ctrl_bio_reps num_ctrl_bio_reps Number of biological replicates that were collapsed in the negative controls. (LEVEL4_LFC)
num_tech_reps num_tech_reps Number of technical replicates that were collapsed. (LEVEL4_LFC)
dose pert_dose Perturbation dose (numeric)
dose_unit pert_dose_unit Perturbation dose units
treatment pert_id Uppercase of treatment values. Perturbation Broad ID.
pert_idose Perturbation dose with units
treatment pert_iname Perturbation name (e.g. AZ-628)
day pert_itime Assay length with units
pert_plate Sample compound plate
day pert_time Assay length
pert_time_unit Assay length units
trt_type pert_type Perturbation type (e.g. negative control) ('poscon': 'trt_poscon', 'negcon': 'ctl_vehicle')
Perturbation vehicle (e.g. DMSO)
pcr_plate pcr_plate PCR plate information
pcr_well pcr_well PCR well information
pcr_well pert_well Sample well
pool_id Assay pool
prism_cell_set culture Cell line culture (e.g. PR500)
profile_id profile_id Concatenation of cell set, replicate, compound, and dose information.
treatment prc_id Uppercase of treatment values. Perturbation Broad ID.
x_project_id x_project_id Project name (e.g. Validation Compounds)
screen screen Screen type and iteration
tech_rep tech_rep Technical replicate
trt_MAD_QC trt_MAD_QC TRUE if the variance across the biological replicates in the negative control is below a threshold of ~1.66. (LEVEL5_LFC)
trt_mad_sqrtN trt_mad_sqrtN Median Absolute Ddeviation over the square root of the number of treatment biological replicates. (LEVEL5_LFC)
trt_median_n trt_median_n Median collapsed n across the biological replicates of the treatments. (LEVEL5_LFC)
trt_median_normalized_n trt_median_normalized_n Median normalized n across the biological replicates of the treatments. (LEVEL5_LFC)
feature_id Unique feature ID
l2fc LFC log2 fold-change relative to control vehicle (LEVEL4_LFC)
median_l2fc LFC median log2 fold-change relative to control vehicle (LEVEL5_LFC)

Column names in EPS QC file:

Column Description
CCLE_name Cancer cell line encyclopedia cell line name
DepMap_ID DepMap cell line ID
cell_set Cell set information
day Day at end of experiment (0, 6, 10, etc)
med_log_raw_counts Median log raw counts
med_log_norm_counts Median log normalized counts
med_raw_counts Median raw counts
pass_raw_count_qc True/False value indicating whether raw counts passed QC
pert_plate Pert plate information

Column names in compound key file:

Column Description
pert_iname Compound
pert_id Compound ID
pert_plate Pert plate
x_project_id Project code
pert_dose_1 Number of unique doses per compound per plate


This document was last update on Feb 25, 2024