Unlike other brain fxck interpreters, bfk-clojure is an embedded toolbox, aimming at using brainfxck to proceed existing datas, not programming in pure brainfxck.
###Seq Processing: bfk-clojure provides three functions to proceed a clojure seq: brainfk, bfk-proceed and bfk-spawn
- bfk-spawn is a function works like the original brainfxck language,
it takes a seq as a brainfxck machine, and a string as an brainfxck expression, evaluating the expression on the seq and collect each output (using brainfxck cmd '.') into a list.
(bfk-spawn [1 2 3 4 a b c d] ".>>++.>>.")
;=> (1 5 a)
(->> (bfk-spawn [65 97 32 10] "+++++++.>++++.+++++++..+++.>.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.") (map char) (apply str))
;=> "Hello World!\n"
- bfk-proceed is a function to process existing clojure seq,
it takes a seq as a brainfxck machine, and a string as an brainfxck expression, evaluating the expression on the seq and returns a new seq as the result.
(bfk-proceed [0] "++")
;=> (2)
(bfk-proceed [1 2 3] ">+>++")
;=> (1 3 5)
(bfk-proceed [0] ">>+++")
;=> (0 0 3)
(bfk-proceed [1 1 1 1 1] ">[+>>]")
;=> (1 2 1 2 1 0)
- brainfk is a function provides the features of both bfk-proceed and bfk-spawn
(brain-phucker/brainfk [10] "[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.")
;=> {:result (0 87 100 33 10), :output (72 101 108 108 111 32 87 111 114 108 100 33 10)}
###String Processing:
- all the functions works on string as well,
(brain-phucker/bfk-proceed "teststring" "[-------------------------------->]")
(brain-phucker/bfk-proceed "teststring" "[-------------------------------->>]")
;=> "TeStStRiNg"
(brain-phucker/bfk-proceed "teststring" "[-------------------------------->>>]")
;=> "TesTstRinG"
###Introduction To Brain Fxck Language
Brain Fxck is a minimize language with 8 commands, which runs on a machine containing an array and a pointer, the pointer is initially pointing at the 0th element
The 8 commands are:
- + increases the value of the element pointed
- - decreases the value of the element pointed
- > move the pointer right by an element
- < move the pointer right by an element
- . output the value of the element pointed
- , input as the value of the element pointed
- The ',' command is not included in this version of bfk-clojure