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Using the Message Bus

Joseph Astier edited this page Apr 27, 2021 · 5 revisions

The ToMCAT Testbed Message Bus

ToMCAT implements the Testbed Message Bus using the Mosquitto (MQTT) application. The system works over TCP/IP and provides a lightweight, robust infrastructure for interprocess communication. Messages are written to the Message Bus by publishing them to topics. Messages are read by subscribing to topics. Message arrival is handled by asynchronous callback.

There are three components to the MQTT system.

Application name Role Description
mosquitto Broker Coordinator for subscription and publication. A single instance is run.
mosquitto_sub Reader Subscribes to topics on the Message Bus. Prints to stdout any messages it receives on the subscribed topics. n instances may be run.
mosquitto_pub Writer Publishes messages to topics on the Message Bus. n instances may be run.

Installing the Message Bus software:


sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y mosquitto mosquitto-clients 


sudo port install mosquitto 


sudo brew install mosquitto


  • ToMCAT uses the MQTT default host 'localhost', and the MQTT default port '1883'.
  • No password is used.

Starting the Message Bus


sudo service mosquitto start 

No output is show on screen


/opt/local/sbin/mosquitto -c /opt/local/etc/mosquitto//mosquitto.conf  

If the broker starts correctly it will output some status information:

1619221743: mosquitto version 1.5.8 starting 
1619221743: Config loaded from /opt/local/etc/mosquitto//mosquitto.conf.  
1619221743: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883.  
1619221743: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883.  

Using the Message Bus

First start the Message bus using the previously described procedure for your operating system.

Next, subscribe to a Message Bus topic:

mosquitto_sub -t my_test_topic 

Then publish a message on that topic:

mosquitto_pub -t my_test_topic -m "Hello world!" 

If the mosquitto_sub process displays the message, your message bus is running correctly.

Stopping the Message Bus


sudo service mosquitto stop 


Kill the process ID of the mosquitto broker:

ps -aux | grep mosquitto mosquit+     866  0.0  0.0  28112  4164 ?  Ssl 11:13   0:05 /opt/local/sbin/mosquitto -c

kill 866