Releases: clseibold/ZeroNet-Windows-Exe-Installer
Releases · clseibold/ZeroNet-Windows-Exe-Installer
- Ability to choose an existing ZeroNet Data Directory to move over to new installation.
- Updated ZeroNet
- Updated PeerMessage and BackgroundMessage Plugins
- Bug Fixes
- Disabled tray icon because ZeroNet doesn't currently start up with enabled
- Updating ZeroNet will re-add/re-enable the Tray Icon plugin
- Tor (and meek bridges) may not be packaged with this
Release 1.3
- Switched from ZeroNet-win-dist to ZeroBundle
- Has full Python
- Has more functionality
- Can show console window of ZeroNet instance
- Setup will automatically update your previous installation correctly
- Can pick which plugins (out of the ones that are usually disabled by default) to install during setup
Release v1.2
- Added Data directory shortcut to start menu
- During uninstallation, it will ask you whether you want to delete the ZeroNet Data Directory.
- Uninstallation will now delete core and lib directories.
- Add ZERONET_ROOT (links to core directory), ZERONET_DATA_DIR (links to data directory), and ZERONET_BUNDLE_ROOT (links to installation directory) to Global Environment Variables.
- Add bin folder to global Path
- Added ZeroNet.cmd to this directory so you can start ZeroNet from command prompt
Release v1.1
- Added Components screen
- Added imachug's p2p-message plugin as a component, default to checked.
Installer v1.0
Add Bundle, change location of files to be included in installer