Flexible HUD release 1
1248 commits
to master
since this release
This is the initial release of ZTM's Flexible HUD mod for ioquake3 from November 7 2013.
This replace CGame and adds additional cvars to control the HUD. Download the pk3 and put it in your baseq3 folder.
- cg_statusScale [0.0 - 1.0] set scale of status bar (ammo, health, head, armor, CTF flag).
- cg_drawStatusHead [0 - 2] 0 disables drawing head, 1 acts like Q3A, 2 drawing health item instead (supports 3D and 2D icons).
- cg_drawPickups [0.0 - 1.0] set scale of item pickup message (0 to disable).
- cg_drawWeaponBar [0.0 - 1.0] set scale of weapon select popup (0 to disable).
- cg_drawScores [0 - 1] toggle drawing scores in bottom right corner (no scaling support).
These all default to 1. By default the appearance is the same as vanilla Quake 3.