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Heureka is a Security Posture Management tool designed to manage security issues in a complex technology landscape.

It aims to empower service owners with a central platform for proactive security management by integrating key components such as advanced patch management, intelligent SIEM analysis, and automated policy enforcement.

It is also designed to address the critical compliance aspect as it is equipped with capabilities to track the end-to-end remediation processes, thereby providing tangible compliance evidence. This approach to security posture management ensures a comprehensive and professional approach to maintaining robust security standards.

Value Propositions

1. Enhanced Visibility and Security Posture

A holistic view of the technology landscape, enabling proactive identification and tracking of security issues.

2. Streamlined Security Operations

Centrally manage security posture, automate patch management, enforce consistent configurations, and improve threat detection with SIEM integration.

3. Enhanced Compliance, and Auditability

Facilitate compliance by tracking remediation progress and providing a complete audit trail (evidence) with detailed documentation of state changes and actions taken.

Architecture & Design

For a detailed understanding of the system's architecture and design, refer to the following resources:

Additional Resources Coming Soon

  • High-Level Architecture Diagrams: These diagrams will provide a visual representation of the overall system architecture, expected to be published before the end of Q3.
  • High-Level Features: A high-level overview of the system's functionalities is also planned for publication before the end of Q3.

Requirements and Setup

The application can be configured using environment variables. These variables are stored in a .env file at the root of the project. For configuring tests, there is a separate .test.env file.

Here's a basic example of what the .env file could look like:








The docker-compose.yml file defines two profiles: db for the heureka-db service and heureka for the heureka-app service. To start a specific service with its profile, use the --profile option followed by the profile name.

For example, to start the heureka-db service, run:

docker-compose --profile db up

And to start the heureka-app service, run:

docker-compose --profile heureka up

To start both services at the same time, run:

docker-compose --profile db --profile heureka up


Alternatively, the application can be started by using the provided Makefile:

make start-all-heureka



Heureka uses Mockery for building Mocks based on defined interfaces for the purpose of Unit-Testing.

Please follow the steps to install mockery on your local system to be able to build mocks.

Using Ginkgo

Heureka uses Ginkgo for behavior-driven development (BDD) style tests. In the current project setup, tests are organized into three different directories, each serving a specific purpose:

  • End-to-End Tests: These tests are located in the ./internal/e2e directory. End-to-end tests are designed to test the flow of an application from start to finish and ensure all integrated pieces of an application function as expected together.

  • Application Layer Tests: These tests resides in the ./internal/app directory. Application layer tests focus on testing the application's behavior, such as handling requests and responses, executing appropriate logic, and more.

  • Database Tests: These tests are found in the ./internal/database/db directory. Database tests ensure that the application correctly interacts with the database. They test database queries, updates, deletions, and other related operations.

In the .test.env file, the LOCAL_TEST_DB variable controls the database used for testing:

  • If LOCAL_TEST_DB=true, tests will interact with a local database. Please ensure your local database server is running before executing the tests.
  • If LOCAL_TEST_DB=false, tests will run against a containerized database.

Run all tests:

ginkgo -r

Run end-to-end tests:

ginkgo ./internal/e2e

Run application tests:

ginkgo ./internal/app

Run database tests:

ginkgo ./internal/database/mariadb

The ginkgo -focus allows using a regular expression to run a specific test:

ginkgo -focus="Getting Services" ./internal/database/mariadb

If the test block you're trying to run depends on BeforeEach, JustBeforeEach, or Describe blocks that aren't being run when you use the -focus flag, this could cause the test to fail.

Support, Feedback, Contributing

This project is open to feature requests/suggestions, bug reports etc. via GitHub issues. Contribution and feedback are encouraged and always welcome. For more information about how to contribute, the project structure, as well as additional contribution information, see our Contribution Guidelines.

Security / Disclosure

If you find any bug that may be a security problem, please follow our instructions at in our security policy on how to report it. Please do not create GitHub issues for security-related doubts or problems.

Code of Conduct

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its Code of Conduct at all times.


Copyright 2004 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company and heureka contributors. Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information. Detailed information including third-party components and their licensing/copyright information is available via the REUSE tool.


Security and compliance management



Code of conduct

Security policy





No releases published


