BOSH Windows Stemcell Builder will be deprecated by September 2020. The recommended approach for creating local BOSH Windows stemcells which can be deployed on Cloud Foundry BOSH, is stembuild
Documentation on how to use stembuild
can be found here.
This repo contains a set of scripts for automating the process of building BOSH Windows Stemcells.
Please submit PR's to the develop
- Ruby Latest 2.3.x version
- Golang Latest 1.12.x compiler
- Packer for concourse automation
- Win32-OpenSSH Release v0.0.18.0 is tested.
gem install bundler
bundle install
rake build:aws # Build AWS Stemcell
rake build:azure # Build Azure Stemcell
rake build:gcp # Build GCP Stemcell
rake build:vsphere # Build VSphere Stemcell
rake build:vsphere_add_updates # Apply Windows Updates for VMX
rake package:vsphere_ova[ova_file_name,output_directory,version,updates_path] # Package VSphere OVA files into Stemcells
rake publish:staging:azure # Stage an image to the Azure marketplace
rake publish:production:azure # Publish an image to the Azure marketplace
rake publish:finalize:azure # Wait for finalizing an image to the Azure marketplace
rake publish:gcp # Publish an image to GCP
In Concourse see Greenhouse CI for required environment variables for these tasks. For example, for rake build:vsphere
refer to this task.yml.
Instructions for building a manual stemcell for vSphere can be found in the wiki.
bundler exec rspec
Acceptance testing for stemcells should be done with bosh-windows-acceptance-tests