This is a warmup exercise for module 02 which can be found here.
It requires you to know the basics of AWS networking.
- Create a VPC
- Create a Public Subnet with an Internet Gateway attached
- Create a Private Subnet with an NAT gateway attached
- Spin up a server in the public subnet that outputs "Hello World"
- Visit the server using the IP/DNS to see "Hello World" message
- Spin up another server in the Private subnet
- SSH into it using SSH port forwarding
- Run "yum update -y" and download updates in the server
- Public IP of the Web Server
- Screenshot of the "Hello World" message with the public ip on the address bar
- Private IP of the Web Server
- Stop the EC2 instances
- Delete the NatGateway
- Delete the Internet Gateway
- Release Elastic IP associated with the Internet Gateway
- Security Groups and NACL in VPC -
- Creating a VPC -
- Security Groups and Launching Instances -
- SSH Agent Forwarding -
- NAT Gateways vs NAT Instaces -
Create an Issue with the Deliveries. Deadline - 9th April 2019