This is a parser that I created using ANTLR4. This parses the translation unit file generated by GCC when using the -fdump-translation-unit flag. My objective was to use semantic information of this file to improve AST construction.
##How to compile?
-Enter in the SRC directory
cd src [enter]
- Call make file
make [enter]
##How to use?
- Call the tuparser binary inside BIN folder and pass as argument the file generated by G++ with the -fdump-translation-unit flag.
bin/tuparser [filename].tu
bin/tuparser bubblesort.cpp.001t.tu
##How to develop new things using Tuparser?
- In the main.cpp code, you can implement your functions to navigate the generated AST.
- In the thetuparser.g4 you can modify the grammar to insert new information or improve the generated AST.
- Fell free to contribute for this project by forking this repository and sending pull requests.
- If your have any question, please contact me: [email protected]