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Tired of spending 10 minutes each time you want to retrieve pictures from your camera? With PicsDL, you just plug your device, and... done!

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Tired of spending 10 minutes each time you want to retrieve pictures from your camera?
With PicsDL, you just plug your device, and... done!

Main features:

  • Retrieves pictures and videos from any type of device (camera, smartphone, memory card, USB stick, External Hard Drive).
  • All-automatic mode: simply plug the device and watch your pictures being downloaded and organised.
  • Organize and rename your files based on date/time and EXIF tags (such as camera brand/name, etc.)
  • Geo-tag the pictures

The pics-dl project is composed of two modules and has 3 dependencies:


  • PicsDL: the main application
  • WPDInterface: a library to access smartphones and cameras, based on Microsoft's Windows Portable Device API

External dependencies:

  • libexif: used to read exif tags and thumbnails from picture files
  • exiftool: used to geo-tag the pictures
  • o2: OAuth library for QT

Technical constraints:

  • The WPDInterface library can only be built with MS Visual Studio
  • PicsDL and the libexif must be built with the same compiler. If you intend to build with static linking, it must even be the exact same compiler version.
  • libexif only provides compilation procedure using MinGW/MSYS, so it is strongly advised to compile PicsDL with MinGW (using QT Creator).


You don't need to install visual studio and compile WPDInterface.dll in order to work on PicsDL.
This is because the dll is versionned along with its code: */pics-dl/WPDInterface/Release/WPDInterface.dll

Step-by-step guide to compile PicsDL:


Optional but recommended:

2. Install

2.1 QT

On the 3rd step, make sure you select all the Tools (including MinGW).
Otherwise just click on Next

2.2 Notepad++

Just click Next.

2.3 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013

Just click Next.

2.4 Perl and Exiftool module

Must be installed before Git
Install Strawberry Perl, leave all default settings.
Once installed, launch "CPAN Client", and write in the terminal:

install Image::ExifTool

2.5 Git

Must be installed after Strawberry Perl
At the 4th step, select the 3rd option: "Use Git and optional Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt" Otherwise Just click Next.

2.7 Inno Setup 5

Just Click Next (leave default options)
Note: Inno Setup is used to generate the windows installer.
If you don't want to generate the installer, you will need to remove the last line in the .pro file

3. Download the sources

Choose a folder where to download the sources
right-click on this folder and choose "Git Bash"
In the terminal, write:

git clone  

5. Compile PicsDL

Double-click on */pics-dl/PicsDL/
let QT Creator configure the project automatically
click on the compile button (green triangle)

6. (optional, 2 hours, recommended) Compile PicsDL with static linking

This is strongly recommended if you plan to produce an installer for PicsDL (the final file will be much smaller).
You just need to execute de script "*/Qt/launch-static-buid.ps1" (Right-click, execute with PowerShell).
inspired from:
Note: the current Inno setup script is only designed to work with a statically linked executable

Step-by-step guide to compile the WPDInterface dll

1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for desktop

Follow the instructions here:
Note 1: you need a microsoft account
Note 2: you need at least Windows 7 SP1, with IE11

2. Install the Windows Driver Kit Version 7.1.0

Note: this is needed due to dependencies on the ATL, which is not included in later versions of the WDK.
Follow the instructions here:
You may need some disk image mounting software, such as WinCDEmu:

3. (optional) Install the Windows Driver Kit 8.1

Note: this contains the latest version of the Portable Device API
Follow the instructions here:

4. Build the dll

double-click on */pics-dl/WPDInterface/WPDInterface.sln
click on the Build button (green triangle)

(Optional) Step-by-step guide to compile libexif


2 Install MinGW/MSYS

The full install procedure is here
Short install procedure:

  • Leave default options and click Next until you reach the "Installation Manager"
  • right-click on mingw-developer-toolkit, and mark for installation
  • go to menu Installation / Apply Changes
  • close the Installation Manager

4. Compile the libexif

4.1 Prepare the build

Go to folder C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\etc\ and rename the file "fstab.sample" into "fstab"
Edit the file fstab (right-click / Edit with Notepad++)
On the line 16, replace "c:/mingw" by "C:/Qt/Qt5.4.0/Tools/mingw491_32"
Save the file

4.2 Build

Extract the content of at the root of the repository.
You will then find the build procedure in pics-dl/libexif-0.6.21/README-Win32.txt
Open MSYS/MinGW by launching:


In the terminal, write these commands:

cd /e/.../pics-dl/libexif/        # /e/ is the drive letter. Replace ... by the actual location of the git repository  

If successful, this file should be created: */pics-dl/libexif-0.6.21/libexif/.libs/libexif-12.dll

How to compile on Linux

Open a terminal and cd where you wish to clone the project, then enter these commands, one by one:
Note: The 3rd command may last a few hours, depending on your internet connection and processing power.

sudo apt-get install -y git;
git clone;
cd pics-dl/Qt/; sudo ./; cd ..;
qtcreator PicsDL/ &

When QT Creator opens, do not click on Configure Project immediately, instead:

  • go to menu Tools/Options, tab "Build & Run", sub-tab "Qt Versions"
  • click on "Add..." and browse to /usr/local/Qt-5.4.0/bin/qmake
  • click on "Apply", switch to the sub-tab "Kits", and click on "Add"
    • edit the name of the new kit and set it to "Qt-5.4.0 Static"
    • select Qt Version "Qt 5.4.0 (Qt-5.4.0)"
  • click on OK

You should then be in the tab "Projects", sub-tab "Configure Project":

  • un-select "Desktop"
  • select "Qt-5.4.0 Static"
  • click on "Configure Project"

You can now click on the green triangle to compile the project!

How to compile on OS X

  • Install Xcode from the App Store (this will take a long time).
  • Download Qt Creator
  • Install Qt Creator by dragging the Qt Creator icon to “Applications”

Then open a terminal and cd where you wish to clone the project, then enter these commands, one by one:
Note: The 2nd command may last a few hours, depending on your internet connection and processing power.
You may have to accept the Xcode license in the process

git clone;
cd pics-dl/Qt/; sudo ./; cd ..;

Then please follow the same instructions as for Linux regarding Qt Creator setup, except that you will find qmake in ~/Qt-5.4.1/bin/qmake.


Tired of spending 10 minutes each time you want to retrieve pictures from your camera? With PicsDL, you just plug your device, and... done!






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