flobby is a spring lobby client written in C++.
flobby is developed and tested on archlinux, use AUR package flobby-git for easy install and update.
- FLTK 1.4 dependencies (FLTK is a submodule and linked to statically)
- jsoncpp
- libxpm
- libxss
- GraphicsMagick
- curl
- boost
- C++11 (gcc 4.6 should be enough)
git clone --recursive https://github.com/cleanrock/flobby.git
cd flobby
cmake .
~/.config/flobby/ # can be changed with -d argument or XDG_CONFIG_HOME
flobby.prefs # flobby settings, delete this file to reset all settings to default
~/.cache/flobby/ # can be changed with -d argument or XDG_CACHE_HOME
flobby.log # flobby debug log
flobby_script.txt # spring script file, written on spring launch
flobby_process_pr-downloader.log # pr-downloader output
map/ # map cache files
log/ # logs of all chats, logging to files can be disabled in flobby
$ flobby -h
usage: flobby [options]
-d | --dir <dir> : use <dir> for flobby config and cache instead of XDG
-z | --zerok : use zero-k lobby protocol, uses server address lobby.zero-k.info:8200 by default
-v | --version : print flobby version
-h | --help : print help message
plus standard fltk options:
-bg2 color
-bg color
-di[splay] host:n.n
-fg color
-g[eometry] WxH+X+Y
-na[me] classname
-s[cheme] scheme
-ti[tle] windowtitle
- user name tab completion (case-insensitive), matches first "starting with" then "containing", cycles through multiple matches
- Alt+[1-9,0] - go to chat tab #, 0 will go to last tab
- Alt+[Left|Right] - go one chat tab left/right, works when in a chat tab
- supports watching replays from Zero-K website