A fully fledged Swift 5 wrapper for the RetroAchievements PHP API. Two sets of functions are included, one utilizing publisbers and Combine, the other using non-reactive URLSessions with escaping completion handlers.
- Import the Package in relevant files.
import RetroAPI
import Combine
- Initialize the API.
Somewhere in your code, preferably somewhere that loads earliest, include the following function call with your RetroAchievements API username and key.
RetroAPI.setUserAndKey("your-username-here", "your-key-here")
For instance, you could include it in your App struct as follows:
struct RetroAPIExample: App {
@Environment(\.scenePhase) private var scenePhase
let viewModel = RetroAPIViewModel() //A possible view model instance
init() {
//Option #1:
RetroAPI.setUserAndKey("your-username-here", "your-key-here") //replace your username and key
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
}.onChange(of: scenePhase) { phase in
switch phase {
case .active:
//Option #2:
RetroAPI.setUserAndKey("your-username-here", "your-key-here") //replace your username and key
case .inactive:
- Call the provided function that returns the topTenUsers
the value as you see fit
@Published var topUsers = [TopUser_DTO]()
private var cancellables = [AnyCancellable]()
func getTopTenUsers() {
.sink(receiveCompletion: {_ in}) { topUsers in
self.topUsers = topUsers
}.store(in: &cancellables)
Notice that topUsers
is of type [TopUser_DTO]
. This is to distinguish this struct as result from the API so that you can be flexible with your naming.
Steps 0. and 1. are the same. You do not need to import Combine
- Call the provided function that returns topUsers of type
@Published var topUsers = [TopUser_DTO]()
func getTopTenUsers() {
RetroAPI.getTopTenUsers { (topUsers) in
self.topUsers = topUsers
Notice that topUsers
is of type [TopUser_DTO]
. This is to distinguish this struct as result from the API so that you can be flexible with your naming.