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Update rptt3_euler.f90
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Modified for Fortran 90/95 styling, and fixed a small bug in IF statement location.  See Issue #74 (#74)
weslowrie committed Jul 14, 2014
1 parent 58164e7 commit 803efd6
Showing 1 changed file with 241 additions and 231 deletions.
472 changes: 241 additions & 231 deletions src/rptt3_euler.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,236 +1,246 @@
! ==================================================================
subroutine rptt3 (ixyz,icoor,imp,impt,maxm,meqn,mwaves,maux,mbc,mx,ql,qr,aux1,aux2,aux3,asdq,bmasdq,bpasdq)
! ==================================================================
! # Riemann solver in the transverse direction for the
! # Euler equations.
! #
! # On input,
! # ql,qr is the data along some one-dimensional slice, as in rpn3
! # This slice is
! # in the x-direction if ixyz=1,
! # in the y-direction if ixyz=2, or
! # in the z-direction if ixyz=3.
! # bsasdq is an array of flux differences that result from a
! # transverse splitting (a previous call to rpt3).
! # This stands for B^* A^* \Dq but could represent any of
! # 6 possibilities, e.g. C^* B^* \Dq, as specified by ixyz
! # and icoor (see below).
! # Moreover, each * represents either + or -, as specified by
! # imp and impt.
! # ixyz indicates the direction of the original Riemann solve,
! # called the x-like direction in the table below:
! # x-like direction y-like direction z-like direction
! # ixyz=1: x y z
! # ixyz=2: y z x
! # ixyz=3: z x y
! # icoor indicates direction in which the transverse solve should
! # be performed.
! # icoor=2: split in the y-like direction.
! # icoor=3: split in the z-like direction.
! # For example,
! # ixyz=1, icoor=3 means bsasdq=B^*A^*\Dq, and should be
! # split in z into
! # cmbsasdq = C^-B^*A^*\Dq,
! # cpbsasdq = C^+B^*A^*\Dq.
! #
! # ixyz=2, icoor=3 means bsasdq=C^*B^*\Dq, and should be
! # split in x into
! # cmbsasdq = A^-C^*B^*\Dq,
! # cpbsasdq = A^+C^*B^*\Dq.
! # The parameters imp and impt are generally needed only if aux
! # arrays are being used, in order to access the appropriate
! # variable coefficients.
implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
dimension ql(meqn, 1-mbc:maxm+mbc)
dimension qr(meqn, 1-mbc:maxm+mbc)
dimension asdq(meqn, 1-mbc:maxm+mbc)
dimension bmasdq(meqn, 1-mbc:maxm+mbc)
dimension bpasdq(meqn, 1-mbc:maxm+mbc)
dimension aux1(maux, 1-mbc:maxm+mbc, 3)
dimension aux2(maux, 1-mbc:maxm+mbc, 3)
dimension aux3(maux, 1-mbc:maxm+mbc, 3)
dimension waveb(5,3),sb(3)
parameter (maxmrp = 1002)
integer tflag
! Name: rptt3(ixyz,icoor,imp,impt,maxm,meqn,mwaves,maux,mbc,mx,ql,qr,
! aux1,aux2,aux3,bsasdq,cmbsasdq,cpbsasdq)
! Description: Roe solver in the transverse direction for the 3D Euler Equations
! Inputs:
! ixyz <INTEGER> : direction to take slice x-direction if ixyz=1
! y-direction if ixyz=2.
! z-direction if ixyz=3.
! icoor <INTEGER> : direction in which the transverse solve should be
! performed. icoor=2 (split in y-like direction)
! icoor=3 (split in z-like direction)
! ixyz=1, icoor=3 means bsasdq=B^*A^*\Dq, split in z:
! cmbsasdq = C^-B^*A^*\Dq,
! cpbsasdq = C^+B^*A^*\Dq.
! ixyz=2, icoor=3 means bsasdq=C^*B^*\Dq, split in x:
! cmbsasdq = A^-C*B*\Dq,
! cpbsasdq = A^+C*B*\Dq.
! imp <INTEGER> : index for aux arrays
! impt <INTEGER> : index for aux arrays
! maxm <INTEGER> : max number of grid cells (less the ghost cells)
! meqn <INTEGER> : number of equations in the system
! mwaves <INTEGER> : nuber of waves in the system
! maux <INTEGER> : number of auxilary equations
! mbc <INTEGER> : number of ghost cells on either end
! mx <INTEGER> : number of elements
! ql <REAL> : state vector at left edge of each cell
! Note the i'th Riemann problem has left state qr(:,i-1)
! qr <REAL> : state vector at right edge of each cell
! Note the i'th Riemann problem has right state ql(:,i)
! aux1 <REAL> :
! aux2 <REAL> :
! aux3 <REAL> :
! bsasdq <REAL> : array of flux differences that result from a
! transverse splitting (a previous call to rpt3).
! This stands for B^* A^* \Dq but could represent
! any of 6 possibilities, e.g. C^* B^* \Dq, as
! specified by ixyz and icoor (see below).
! Moreover, each * represents either + or -, as
! specified by imp and impt.
! Outputs:
! cmbsasdq <REAL> : left-going flux differences
! cpbsasdq <REAL> : right-going flux differences
! Adapted from rpt3_euler.f90 in $CLAWHOME/riemann/src
SUBROUTINE rptt3(ixyz,icoor,imp,impt,maxm,meqn,mwaves,maux,mbc,mx,ql,qr,&

double precision u2v2w2(-1:maxmrp), &
u(-1:maxmrp),v(-1:maxmrp),w(-1:maxmrp),enth(-1:maxmrp), &

double precision gamma1
! Input
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ixyz,icoor,imp,impt,maxm,meqn,mwaves,maux,mbc,mx
REAL(kind=8), DIMENSION(meqn,1-mbc:maxm+mbc), INTENT(IN) :: ql,qr,bsasdq
REAL(kind=8), DIMENSION(maux,1-mbc:maxm+mbc,3), INTENT(IN) :: aux1,aux2,aux3

! Output
REAL(kind=8), DIMENSION(meqn,1-mbc:maxm+mbc), INTENT(INOUT) :: cmbsasdq,cpbsasdq

! Local Storage
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxmrp = 1002
REAL(kind=8), DIMENSION(5) :: alpha
REAL(kind=8), DIMENSION(-1:maxmrp) :: u2v2w2,u,v,w,enth,a,g1a2,euv
REAL(kind=8) :: asqrd,pl,pr,rhsq2,rhsqrtl,rhsqrtr
REAL(kind=8), DIMENSION(5,3) :: waveb
REAL(kind=8), DIMENSION(3) :: sb
INTEGER :: i,j,mu,mv,mw,mws

! Common block storage for ideal gas constant
REAL(kind=8) :: gamma,gamma1
COMMON /cparam/ gamma

common /cparam/ gamma
gamma1 = gamma - 1.d0
if ( .or. maxmrp .lt. maxm+mbc) then
write(6,*) 'need to increase maxmrp in rp3t'
if(ixyz .eq. 1)then
mu = 2
mv = 3
mw = 4
else if(ixyz .eq. 2)then
mu = 3
mv = 4
mw = 2
mu = 4
mv = 2
mw = 3
! # Solve Riemann problem in the second coordinate direction
if( icoor .eq. 2 )then
! Set (gamma-1)
gamma1 = gamma - 1.d0

do 10 i = 2-mbc, mx+mbc
if (qr(1,i-1) .le. 0.d0 .or. ql(1,i) .le. 0.d0) then
write(*,*) i, mu, mv, mw
write(*,990) (qr(j,i-1),j=1,5)
write(*,990) (ql(j,i),j=1,5)
990 format(5e12.4)
if (ixyz .eq. 1) &
write(6,*) '*** rho .le. 0 in x-sweep at ',i
if (ixyz .eq. 2) &
write(6,*) '*** rho .le. 0 in y-sweep at ',i
if (ixyz .eq. 3) &
write(6,*) '*** rho .le. 0 in z-sweep at ',i
write(6,*) 'stopped with rho < 0...'
rhsqrtl = dsqrt(qr(1,i-1))
rhsqrtr = dsqrt(ql(1,i))
pl = gamma1*(qr(5,i-1) - 0.5d0*(qr(mu,i-1)**2 + &
qr(mv,i-1)**2 + qr(mw,i-1)**2)/qr(1,i-1))
pr = gamma1*(ql(5,i) - 0.5d0*(ql(mu,i)**2 + &
ql(mv,i)**2 + ql(mw,i)**2)/ql(1,i))
rhsq2 = rhsqrtl + rhsqrtr
u(i) = (qr(mu,i-1)/rhsqrtl + ql(mu,i)/rhsqrtr) / rhsq2
v(i) = (qr(mv,i-1)/rhsqrtl + ql(mv,i)/rhsqrtr) / rhsq2
w(i) = (qr(mw,i-1)/rhsqrtl + ql(mw,i)/rhsqrtr) / rhsq2
enth(i) = (((qr(5,i-1)+pl)/rhsqrtl &
+ (ql(5,i)+pr)/rhsqrtr)) / rhsq2
u2v2w2(i) = u(i)**2 + v(i)**2 + w(i)**2
a2 = gamma1*(enth(i) - .5d0*u2v2w2(i))
if (a2 .le. 0.d0) then
if (ixyz .eq. 1) &
write(6,*) '*** a2 .le. 0 in x-sweep at ',i
if (ixyz .eq. 2) &
write(6,*) '*** a2 .le. 0 in y-sweep at ',i
if (ixyz .eq. 3) &
write(6,*) '*** a2 .le. 0 in z-sweep at ',i
write(6,*) 'stopped with a2 < 0...'
a(i) = dsqrt(a2)
g1a2(i) = gamma1 / a2
euv(i) = enth(i) - u2v2w2(i)
10 continue
IF (maxmrp < maxm+mbc)THEN
WRITE(6,*) 'need to increase maxmrp in rpn3_neutral_qwave.f90'
WRITE(6,*) 'maxmrp: ',maxmrp,' maxm: ',maxm,' mbc: ',mbc
WRITE(6,*) 'maxm+mbc=',maxm+mbc

do 20 i = 2-mbc, mx+mbc
a4 = g1a2(i) * (euv(i)*asdq(1,i) &
+ u(i)*asdq(mu,i) + v(i)*asdq(mv,i) &
+ w(i)*asdq(mw,i) - asdq(5,i))
a2 = asdq(mu,i) - u(i)*asdq(1,i)
a3 = asdq(mw,i) - w(i)*asdq(1,i)
a5 = (asdq(mv,i) + (a(i)-v(i))*asdq(1,i) - a(i)*a4) &
/ (2.d0*a(i))
a1 = asdq(1,i) - a4 - a5
waveb(1,1) = a1
waveb(mu,1) = a1*u(i)
waveb(mv,1) = a1*(v(i)-a(i))
waveb(mw,1) = a1*w(i)
waveb(5,1) = a1*(enth(i) - v(i)*a(i))
sb(1) = v(i) - a(i)
waveb(1,2) = a4
waveb(mu,2) = a2 + u(i)*a4
waveb(mv,2) = v(i)*a4
waveb(mw,2) = a3 + w(i)*a4
waveb(5,2) = a4*0.5d0*u2v2w2(i) + a2*u(i) + a3*w(i)
sb(2) = v(i)
waveb(1,3) = a5
waveb(mu,3) = a5*u(i)
waveb(mv,3) = a5*(v(i)+a(i))
waveb(mw,3) = a5*w(i)
waveb(5,3) = a5*(enth(i)+v(i)*a(i))
sb(3) = v(i) + a(i)
do 25 m=1,meqn
bmasdq(m,i) = 0.d0
bpasdq(m,i) = 0.d0
do 25 mws=1,mwaves
bmasdq(m,i) = bmasdq(m,i) &
+ dmin1(sb(mws), 0.d0) * waveb(m,mws)
bpasdq(m,i) = bpasdq(m,i) &
+ dmax1(sb(mws), 0.d0) * waveb(m,mws)
25 continue
20 continue
! # Solve Riemann problem in the third coordinate direction
do 30 i = 2-mbc, mx+mbc
a4 = g1a2(i) * (euv(i)*asdq(1,i) &
+ u(i)*asdq(mu,i) + v(i)*asdq(mv,i) &
+ w(i)*asdq(mw,i) - asdq(5,i))
a2 = asdq(mu,i) - u(i)*asdq(1,i)
a3 = asdq(mv,i) - v(i)*asdq(1,i)
a5 = (asdq(mw,i) + (a(i)-w(i))*asdq(1,i) - a(i)*a4) &
/ (2.d0*a(i))
a1 = asdq(1,i) - a4 - a5
waveb(1,1) = a1
waveb(mu,1) = a1*u(i)
waveb(mv,1) = a1*v(i)
waveb(mw,1) = a1*(w(i) - a(i))
waveb(5,1) = a1*(enth(i) - w(i)*a(i))
sb(1) = w(i) - a(i)
waveb(1,2) = a4
waveb(mu,2) = a2 + u(i)*a4
waveb(mv,2) = a3 + v(i)*a4
waveb(mw,2) = w(i)*a4
waveb(5,2) = a4*0.5d0*u2v2w2(i) + a2*u(i) + a3*v(i)
sb(2) = w(i)
waveb(1,3) = a5
waveb(mu,3) = a5*u(i)
waveb(mv,3) = a5*v(i)
waveb(mw,3) = a5*(w(i)+a(i))
waveb(5,3) = a5*(enth(i)+w(i)*a(i))
sb(3) = w(i) + a(i)
do 35 m=1,meqn
bmasdq(m,i) = 0.d0
bpasdq(m,i) = 0.d0
do 35 mws=1,mwaves
bmasdq(m,i) = bmasdq(m,i) &
+ dmin1(sb(mws), 0.d0) * waveb(m,mws)
bpasdq(m,i) = bpasdq(m,i) &
+ dmax1(sb(mws), 0.d0) * waveb(m,mws)
35 continue
30 continue
IF (mwaves /= 3) THEN
WRITE(6,*) '*** Should have mwaves=3 for this Riemann solver'

! Set mu to point to the component of the system that corresponds to momentum
! in the direction of this slice, mv and mw to the orthogonal momentums.
! ixyz indicates the direction of the original Riemann solve,
! called the x-like direction in the table below:
! x-like direction y-like direction z-like direction
! ixyz=1: x y z
! ixyz=2: y z x
! ixyz=3: z x y
IF(ixyz == 1)THEN
mu = 2
mv = 3
mw = 4
ELSE IF(ixyz == 2)THEN
mu = 3
mv = 4
mw = 2
mu = 4
mv = 2
mw = 3

! Note that notation for u,v, and w reflects assumption that the
! Riemann problems are in the x-direction with u in the normal
! direction and v and w in the orthogonal directions, but with the
! above definitions of mu, mv, and mw the routine also works with
! ixyz=2 and ixyz = 3
! and returns, for example, f0 as the Godunov flux g0 for the
! Riemann problems u_t + g(u)_y = 0 in the y-direction.
! Compute the Roe-averaged variables needed in the Roe solver.

! Loop over grid cell interfaces
DO i = 2-mbc, mx+mbc
IF (qr(1,i-1) <= 0.d0 .OR. ql(1,i) <= 0.d0) THEN
WRITE(*,*) i, mu, mv, mw
WRITE(*,'(5e12.4)') (qr(j,i-1),j=1,5)
WRITE(*,'(5e12.4)') (ql(j,i),j=1,5)
IF (ixyz == 1) WRITE(6,*) '*** rho <= 0 in x-sweep at ',i
IF (ixyz == 2) WRITE(6,*) '*** rho <= 0 in y-sweep at ',i
IF (ixyz == 3) WRITE(6,*) '*** rho <= 0 in z-sweep at ',i
WRITE(6,*) 'stopped with rho <= 0...'
rhsqrtl = SQRT(qr(1,i-1))
rhsqrtr = SQRT(ql(1,i))
pl = gamma1*(qr(5,i-1) - 0.5d0*(qr(mu,i-1)**2 + &
qr(mv,i-1)**2 + qr(mw,i-1)**2)/qr(1,i-1))
pr = gamma1*(ql(5,i) - 0.5d0*(ql(mu,i)**2 + &
ql(mv,i)**2 + ql(mw,i)**2)/ql(1,i))
rhsq2 = rhsqrtl + rhsqrtr
u(i) = (qr(mu,i-1)/rhsqrtl + ql(mu,i)/rhsqrtr) / rhsq2
v(i) = (qr(mv,i-1)/rhsqrtl + ql(mv,i)/rhsqrtr) / rhsq2
w(i) = (qr(mw,i-1)/rhsqrtl + ql(mw,i)/rhsqrtr) / rhsq2
enth(i) = (((qr(5,i-1)+pl)/rhsqrtl &
+ (ql(5,i)+pr)/rhsqrtr)) / rhsq2
u2v2w2(i) = u(i)**2 + v(i)**2 + w(i)**2
asqrd = gamma1*(enth(i) - .5d0*u2v2w2(i))

IF (i>=0 .AND. i<=mx .AND. asqrd <= 0.d0) THEN
IF (ixyz == 1) WRITE(6,*) '*** a**2 <= 0 in x-sweep at ',i
IF (ixyz == 2) WRITE(6,*) '*** a**2 <= 0 in y-sweep at ',i
IF (ixyz == 3) WRITE(6,*) '*** a**2 <= 0 in z-sweep at ',i
WRITE(6,*) 'stopped with a**2 < 0...'
a(i) = SQRT(asqrd)
g1a2(i) = gamma1 / asqrd
euv(i) = enth(i) - u2v2w2(i)

! Solve Riemann problem in the second coordinate direction
IF(icoor == 2)THEN
DO i = 2-mbc, mx+mbc
alpha(4) = g1a2(i) * (euv(i)*bsasdq(1,i) + u(i)*bsasdq(mu,i) &
+ v(i)*bsasdq(mv,i) + w(i)*bsasdq(mw,i) - bsasdq(5,i))
alpha(2) = bsasdq(mu,i) - u(i)*bsasdq(1,i)
alpha(3) = bsasdq(mw,i) - w(i)*bsasdq(1,i)
alpha(5) = (bsasdq(mv,i) &
+ (a(i)-v(i))*bsasdq(1,i) - a(i)*alpha(4))/(2.d0*a(i))
alpha(1) = bsasdq(1,i) - alpha(4) - alpha(5)

waveb(1,1) = alpha(1)
waveb(mu,1) = alpha(1)*u(i)
waveb(mv,1) = alpha(1)*(v(i)-a(i))
waveb(mw,1) = alpha(1)*w(i)
waveb(5,1) = alpha(1)*(enth(i) - v(i)*a(i))
sb(1) = v(i) - a(i)

waveb(1,2) = alpha(4)
waveb(mu,2) = alpha(2) + u(i)*alpha(4)
waveb(mv,2) = alpha(4)*v(i)
waveb(mw,2) = alpha(3) + alpha(4)*w(i)
waveb(5,2) = alpha(4)*0.5d0*u2v2w2(i) + alpha(2)*u(i) + alpha(3)*w(i)
sb(2) = v(i)

waveb(1,3) = alpha(5)
waveb(mu,3) = alpha(5)*u(i)
waveb(mv,3) = alpha(5)*(v(i) + a(i))
waveb(mw,3) = alpha(5)*w(i)
waveb(5,3) = alpha(5)*(enth(i) + v(i)*a(i))
sb(3) = v(i) + a(i)

cmbsasdq(:,i) = 0.d0
cpbsasdq(:,i) = 0.d0
DO mws = 1,mwaves
cmbsasdq(:,i) = cmbsasdq(:,i) + MIN(sb(mws), 0.d0)*waveb(:,mws)
cpbsasdq(:,i) = cpbsasdq(:,i) + MAX(sb(mws), 0.d0)*waveb(:,mws)


! Solve Riemann problem in the third coordinate direction
ELSEIF(icoor == 3)THEN
DO i = 2-mbc, mx+mbc
alpha(4) = g1a2(i) * (euv(i)*bsasdq(1,i) + u(i)*bsasdq(mu,i) &
+ v(i)*bsasdq(mv,i) + w(i)*bsasdq(mw,i) - bsasdq(5,i))
alpha(2) = bsasdq(mu,i) - u(i)*bsasdq(1,i)
alpha(3) = bsasdq(mv,i) - v(i)*bsasdq(1,i)
alpha(5) = (bsasdq(mw,i) &
+ (a(i)-w(i))*bsasdq(1,i) - a(i)*alpha(4))/(2.d0*a(i))
alpha(1) = bsasdq(1,i) - alpha(4) - alpha(5)

waveb(1,1) = alpha(1)
waveb(mu,1) = alpha(1)*u(i)
waveb(mv,1) = alpha(1)*v(i)
waveb(mw,1) = alpha(1)*(w(i) - a(i))
waveb(5,1) = alpha(1)*(enth(i) - w(i)*a(i))
sb(1) = w(i) - a(i)

waveb(1,2) = alpha(4)
waveb(mu,2) = alpha(2) + alpha(4)*u(i)
waveb(mv,2) = alpha(3) + alpha(4)*v(i)
waveb(mw,2) = alpha(4)*w(i)
waveb(5,2) = alpha(4)*0.5d0*u2v2w2(i) + alpha(2)*u(i) + alpha(3)*v(i)
sb(2) = w(i)

waveb(1,3) = alpha(5)
waveb(mu,3) = alpha(5)*u(i)
waveb(mv,3) = alpha(5)*v(i)
waveb(mw,3) = alpha(5)*(w(i) + a(i))
waveb(5,3) = alpha(5)*(enth(i) + w(i)*a(i))
sb(3) = w(i) + a(i)

cmbsasdq(:,i) = 0.d0
cpbsasdq(:,i) = 0.d0
DO mws = 1,mwaves
cmbsasdq(:,i) = cmbsasdq(:,i) + MIN(sb(mws), 0.d0)*waveb(:,mws)
cpbsasdq(:,i) = cpbsasdq(:,i) + MAX(sb(mws), 0.d0)*waveb(:,mws)



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