HUID is a basic utility for generating, checking or hashing UUIDs.
yarn add huid
npm install --save huid
Before you start import the functions from the library
import { create, check, hash } from 'huid'
// Create random UUIDs
const randomUuid = create() // c6a4e73f-e60a-497e-a58b-f6b12c894090
// Create consitent UUIDs
const hashedUuid = hash('Hash') // 684cceb8-0d75-4727-87b8-06e91cd88cb7
// Any string can be passed and will generate consistent values
hash('Hash') === hash('Hash') // true
hash('Hash1') !== hash('Hash2') // true
// Check for valid UUIDs
check('684cceb8-0d75-4727-87b8-06e91cd88cb7') // true
check('c6e60a97e586b12c894090') // false