Compar provides an easy way to decouple rules from code, and it is ideal for creating custom engines for experiments, feature flags, tutorials, etc. Compar is written in TypeScript and it runs in the browser, or on the server using node.js.
yarn add compar
npm install --save compar
Before you start import the library
import { create } from "compar";
const match = create();
[".", "environment", ["|", ["=", "stage"], ["=", "production"]]],
["=", "45654800-7a3a-4273-b1cb-4eace4086cce"],
["=", "5137c85d-a4d0-4d6c-8d85-0a74a24007c8"],
environment: "stage",
userId: "45654800-7a3a-4273-b1cb-4eace4086cce",