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Add PacketStream generic transfer delay circuit
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t-wallet committed Aug 14, 2024
1 parent 56a4b15 commit 019b8c6
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 15 deletions.
75 changes: 60 additions & 15 deletions src/Protocols/PacketStream/Delay.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}

{- |
Provides a circuit that delays a stream by a configurable amount of clock cycles.
Provides a circuit that delays a stream by a configurable amount of transfers.
module Protocols.PacketStream.Delay (
Expand All @@ -16,31 +17,75 @@ import Protocols.PacketStream.Base
import Data.Maybe

-- TODO Optimization: _meta only needs to be buffered once because it is constant per packet
newtype DelayState cycles dataWidth meta = DelayState
{ _buf :: Vec cycles (Maybe (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth meta))
-- Holds for _abort and _last too
data DelayState n dataWidth meta = DelayState
{ _buf :: Vec n (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth meta)
-- ^ Transfer buffer
, _size :: Index (n + 1)
, _flush :: Bool
, _readPtr :: Index n
, _writePtr :: Index n
deriving (Generic, NFDataX, Show, ShowX)

-- | Forwards incoming packets with @cycles@ clock cycles latency.
-- | Forwards incoming packets with @n@ fragments latency.
delayStream ::
forall (dom :: Domain) (dataWidth :: Nat) (meta :: Type) (cycles :: Nat).
forall (dom :: Domain) (dataWidth :: Nat) (meta :: Type) (n :: Nat).
(HiddenClockResetEnable dom) =>
(KnownNat dataWidth) =>
(1 <= cycles) =>
(1 <= n) =>
(1 <= dataWidth) =>
(NFDataX meta) =>
SNat cycles ->
SNat n ->
Circuit (PacketStream dom dataWidth meta) (PacketStream dom dataWidth meta)
delayStream SNat = forceResetSanity |> fromSignals (mealyB go (DelayState @cycles (repeat Nothing)))
-- TODO this component is very unoptimized/ugly. The most important thing is
-- that it works now, but it should be improved in the future by removing.
-- dynamic indexing and perhaps using blockram.
delayStream SNat =
|> fromSignals
(mealyB go (DelayState @n (repeat (errorX "undefined initial contents")) 0 False 0 0))
go st (fwdIn, bwdIn) = (nextStOut, (PacketStreamS2M outReady, fwdOut))
go st@DelayState{..} (Nothing, bwdIn) = (nextStOut, (bwdOut, fwdOut))
(newBuf, out) = shiftInAtN (_buf st) (singleton fwdIn)
fwdOut = head out
out = _buf !! _readPtr

nextSt = DelayState newBuf
readEn = _size > 0 && _flush

(nextStOut, outReady)
| isJust fwdOut && not (_ready bwdIn) = (st, False)
| otherwise = (nextSt, True)
fwdOut =
if readEn
then Just out
else Nothing

bwdOut = PacketStreamS2M True

nextSt =
{ _size = _size - 1
, _flush = _size - 1 > 0
, _readPtr = satSucc SatWrap _readPtr
nextStOut = if readEn && _ready bwdIn then nextSt else st
go st@DelayState{..} (Just inPkt, bwdIn) = (nextStOut, (bwdOut, fwdOut))
readEn = _flush || _size == maxBound

out = _buf !! _readPtr
newBuf = replace _writePtr inPkt _buf

fwdOut =
if readEn
then Just out
else Nothing

bwdOut = PacketStreamS2M $ not _flush && (not readEn || _ready bwdIn)

nextReadPtr = if readEn then satSucc SatWrap _readPtr else _readPtr

(nextBuf, nextSize, nextFlush, nextWritePtr)
| _flush = (_buf, satPred SatBound _size, satPred SatBound _size > 0, _writePtr)
| otherwise =
(newBuf, satSucc SatBound _size, isJust (_last inPkt), satSucc SatWrap _writePtr)

nextSt = DelayState nextBuf nextSize nextFlush nextReadPtr nextWritePtr
nextStOut = if isNothing fwdOut || _ready bwdIn then nextSt else st

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