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Refactor DEC transformation
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Create multiple selectors, one for each non-shared argument.

The previous code was a big mess where we partioned arguments
into shared and non-shared and then filtered the case-tree
depending on whether they were part of the shared arguments
or not. But then with the normalisation of type arguments,
the second filter did not work properly. This then resulted in
shared arguments becoming part of the tuple in the alternatives
of the case-expression for the non-shared arguments.

The new code is also more robust in the sense that shared and
non-shared arguments no longer need to be partioned (shared
occur left-most, non-shared occur right-most). They can now
be interleaved. The old code would also generate bad Core if
ever type and term arguments occured interleaved, this is no
longer the case for the new code.

Fixes #2628
  • Loading branch information
christiaanb committed Feb 14, 2024
1 parent cb331a8 commit 3240fc9
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 191 deletions.
262 changes: 71 additions & 191 deletions clash-lib/src/Clash/Normalize/Transformations/DEC.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import qualified Data.Either as Either
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Graph as Graph
import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.List.Extra as List
Expand All @@ -57,45 +55,32 @@ import Data.Monoid (All(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,6,0)
import GHC.Core.Make (chunkify, mkChunkified)
import GHC.Hs.Utils (chunkify, mkChunkified)

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
import GHC.Settings.Constants (mAX_TUPLE_SIZE)
import Constants (mAX_TUPLE_SIZE)

-- internal
import Clash.Core.DataCon (DataCon)
import Clash.Core.Evaluator.Types (whnf')
import Clash.Core.FreeVars
(termFreeVars', typeFreeVars', localVarsDoNotOccurIn)
import Clash.Core.HasType
import Clash.Core.Literal (Literal(..))
import Clash.Core.Name (nameOcc)
import Clash.Core.Pretty (showPpr)
import Clash.Core.Term
( Alt, LetBinding, Pat(..), PrimInfo(..), Term(..), TickInfo(..)
, collectArgs, collectArgsTicks, mkApps, mkTicks, patIds, stripTicks)
import Clash.Core.TyCon (TyConMap, TyConName, tyConDataCons)
import Clash.Core.TyCon (TyConMap)
import Clash.Core.Type
(Type, TypeView (..), isPolyFunTy, mkTyConApp, splitFunForallTy, tyView)
import Clash.Core.Util (mkInternalVar, mkSelectorCase, sccLetBindings)
(Type, TypeView (..), isPolyFunTy, splitFunForallTy, tyView)
import Clash.Core.Util (mkInternalVar, sccLetBindings)
import Clash.Core.Var (isGlobalId, isLocalId, varName)
import Clash.Core.VarEnv
( InScopeSet, elemInScopeSet, extendInScopeSet, extendInScopeSetList
, notElemInScopeSet, unionInScope)
import qualified Clash.Data.UniqMap as UniqMap
import Clash.Normalize.Transformations.Letrec (deadCode)
import Clash.Normalize.Types (NormRewrite, NormalizeSession)
import Clash.Rewrite.Combinators (bottomupR)
import Clash.Rewrite.Types
import Clash.Rewrite.Util (changed, isUntranslatableType)
import Clash.Rewrite.WorkFree (isConstant)
import Clash.Util (MonadUnique, curLoc)
import Clash.Util (curLoc)

-- | This transformation lifts applications of global binders out of
-- alternatives of case-statements.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,11 +117,12 @@ disjointExpressionConsolidation ctx@(TransformContext isCtx _) e@(Case _scrut _t
else do
-- For every to-lift expression create (the generalization of):
-- let fargs = case x of {A -> (3,y); B -> (x,x)}
-- in f (fst fargs) (snd fargs)
-- let djArg0 = case x of {A -> 3; B -> x}
-- djArg1 = case x of {A -> y; B -> x}
-- in f djArg0 djArg1
-- the let-expression is not created when `f` has only one (selectable)
-- argument
-- if an argument is non-representable, the case-expression is inlined,
-- and no let-binding will be created for it.
-- NB: mkDisJointGroup needs the context InScopeSet, isCtx, to determine
-- whether expressions reference variables from the context, or
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,18 +237,6 @@ isDisjoint ct = go ct
go (Branch _ [(_,x)]) = go x
go b@(Branch _ (_:_:_)) = allEqual (map Either.rights (Foldable.toList b))

-- Remove empty branches from a 'CaseTree'
removeEmpty :: Eq a => CaseTree [a] -> CaseTree [a]
removeEmpty l@(Leaf _) = l
removeEmpty (LB lb ct) =
case removeEmpty ct of
Leaf [] -> Leaf []
ct' -> LB lb ct'
removeEmpty (Branch s bs) =
case filter ((/= (Leaf [])) . snd) (map (second removeEmpty) bs) of
[] -> Leaf []
bs' -> Branch s bs'

-- | Test if all elements in a list are equal to each other.
allEqual :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
allEqual [] = True
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,8 +438,11 @@ collectGlobalsLbs is0 substitution seen lbs = do
-- function-position\", return a let-expression: where the let-binding holds
-- a case-expression selecting between the distinct arguments of the case-tree,
-- and the body is an application of the term applied to the shared arguments of
-- the case tree, and projections of let-binding corresponding to the distinct
-- argument positions.
-- the case tree, and variable references to the created let-bindings.
-- case-expressions whose type would be non-representable are not let-bound,
-- but occur directly in the argument position of the application in the body
-- of the let-expression.
:: InScopeSet
-- ^ Variables in scope at the very top of the case-tree, i.e., the original
Expand All @@ -475,79 +452,59 @@ mkDisjointGroup
-> NormalizeSession (Term,[Term])
mkDisjointGroup inScope (fun,(seen,cs)) = do
tcm <- Lens.view tcCache
let argss = Foldable.toList cs
argssT = zip [0..] (List.transpose argss)
(sharedT,distinctT) = List.partition (areShared tcm inScope . fmap (first stripTicks) . snd) argssT
-- TODO: find a better solution than "maybe undefined fst . uncons"
shared = map (second (maybe (error "impossible") fst . List.uncons)) sharedT
distinct = map (Either.lefts) (List.transpose (map snd distinctT))
cs' = fmap (zip [0..]) cs
cs'' = removeEmpty
$ fmap (Either.lefts . map snd)
(if null shared
then cs'
else fmap (filter (`notElem` shared)) cs')
(distinctCaseM,distinctProjections) <- case distinct of
-- only shared arguments: do nothing.
[] -> return (Nothing,[])
-- Create selectors and projections
(uc:_) -> do
let argTys = map (inferCoreTypeOf tcm) uc
disJointSelProj inScope argTys cs''
let newArgs = mkDJArgs 0 shared distinctProjections
case distinctCaseM of
Just lb -> return (Letrec [lb] (mkApps fun newArgs), seen)
Nothing -> return (mkApps fun newArgs, seen)

-- | Create a single selector for all the representable distinct arguments by
-- selecting between tuples. This selector is only ('Just') created when the
-- number of representable uncommmon arguments is larger than one, otherwise it
-- is not ('Nothing').
-- It also returns:
-- * For all the non-representable distinct arguments: a selector
-- * For all the representable distinct arguments: a projection out of the tuple
-- created by the larger selector. If this larger selector does not exist, a
-- single selector is created for the single representable distinct argument.
let argLen = case Foldable.toList cs of
[] -> error ($curLoc <> "mkDisjointGroup: no disjoint groups")
l:_ -> length l
csT :: [CaseTree (Either Term Type)]
csT = map (\i -> fmap (!!i) cs) [0..(argLen-1)]
(lbs,newArgs) <- List.mapAccumLM (\lbs c -> do
let cL :: [Either Term Type]
cL = Foldable.toList c
case (cL, areShared tcm inScope (fmap (first stripTicks) cL)) of
(Right ty:_, True) ->
return (lbs,Right ty)
(Right _:_, False) ->
error ($curLoc <> "mkDisjointGroup: non-equal type arguments: " <>
showPpr (Either.rights cL))
(Left tm:_, True) ->
return (lbs,Left tm)
(Left tm:_, False) -> do
let ty = inferCoreTypeOf tcm tm
let err = error $
$curLoc <>
"mkDisjointGroup: mixed type and term arguments: " <>
show cL
(lbM,arg) <- disJointSelProj inScope ty (Either.fromLeft err <$> c)
case lbM of
Just lb -> return (lb:lbs,Left arg)
_ -> return (lbs,Left arg)
([], _) ->
error ($curLoc ++ "mkDisjointGroup: no arguments")
) [] csT
let funApp = mkApps fun newArgs
case lbs of
[] -> return (funApp, seen)
_ -> return (Letrec lbs funApp, seen)

-- | Create a selector for the case-tree of the argument. If the argument is
-- representable create a let-binding for the created selector, and return
-- a variable reference to this let-binding. If the argument is not representable
-- return the selector directly.
:: InScopeSet
-> [Type]
-- ^ Types of the arguments
-> CaseTree [Term]
-- The case-tree of arguments
-> NormalizeSession (Maybe LetBinding,[Term])
disJointSelProj _ _ (Leaf []) = return (Nothing,[])
disJointSelProj inScope argTys cs = do
tcm <- Lens.view tcCache
tupTcm <- Lens.view tupleTcCache
let maxIndex = length argTys - 1
css = map (\i -> fmap ((:[]) . (!!i)) cs) [0..maxIndex]
(untran,tran) <- List.partitionM (isUntranslatableType False . snd) (zip [0..] argTys)
let untranCs = map (css!!) (map fst untran)
untranSels = zipWith (\(_,ty) cs' -> genCase tcm tupTcm ty [ty] cs')
untran untranCs
(lbM,projs) <- case tran of
[] -> return (Nothing,[])
[(i,ty)] -> return (Nothing,[genCase tcm tupTcm ty [ty] (css!!i)])
tys -> do
let m = length tys
(tyIxs,tys') = unzip tys
tupTy = mkBigTupTy tcm tupTcm tys'
cs' = fmap (\es -> map (es !!) tyIxs) cs
djCase = genCase tcm tupTcm tupTy tys' cs'
scrutId <- mkInternalVar inScope "tupIn" tupTy
projections <- mapM (mkBigTupSelector inScope tcm tupTcm (Var scrutId) tys') [0..m-1]
return (Just (scrutId,djCase),projections)
let selProjs = tranOrUnTran 0 (zip (map fst untran) untranSels) projs

return (lbM,selProjs)
tranOrUnTran _ [] projs = projs
tranOrUnTran _ sels [] = map snd sels
tranOrUnTran n ((ut,s):uts) (p:projs)
| n == ut = s : tranOrUnTran (n+1) uts (p:projs)
| otherwise = p : tranOrUnTran (n+1) ((ut,s):uts) projs
-> Type
-- ^ Types of the argument
-> CaseTree Term
-- The case-tree of argument
-> NormalizeSession (Maybe LetBinding,Term)
disJointSelProj inScope argTy cs = do
let sel = genCase argTy cs
untran <- isUntranslatableType False argTy
case untran of
True -> return (Nothing, sel)
False -> do
argId <- mkInternalVar inScope "djArg" argTy
return (Just (argId,sel), Var argId)

-- | Arguments are shared between invocations if:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -579,30 +536,15 @@ areShared tcm inScope xs@(x:_) = noFV1 && (isProof x || allEqual xs)
_ -> False
isProof _ = False

-- | Create a list of arguments given a map of positions to common arguments,
-- and a list of arguments
mkDJArgs :: Int -- ^ Current position
-> [(Int,Either Term Type)] -- ^ map from position to common argument
-> [Term] -- ^ (projections for) distinct arguments
-> [Either Term Type]
mkDJArgs _ cms [] = map snd cms
mkDJArgs _ [] uncms = map Left uncms
mkDJArgs n ((m,x):cms) (y:uncms)
| n == m = x : mkDJArgs (n+1) cms (y:uncms)
| otherwise = Left y : mkDJArgs (n+1) ((m,x):cms) uncms

-- | Create a case-expression that selects between the distinct arguments given
-- a case-tree
genCase :: TyConMap
-> IntMap TyConName
-> Type -- ^ Type of the alternatives
-> [Type] -- ^ Types of the arguments
-> CaseTree [Term] -- ^ CaseTree of arguments
genCase :: Type -- ^ Types of the arguments
-> CaseTree Term -- ^ CaseTree of arguments
-> Term
genCase tcm tupTcm ty argTys = go
genCase ty = go
go (Leaf tms) =
mkBigTupTm tcm tupTcm (List.zipEqual argTys tms)
go (Leaf tm) =

go (LB lb ct) =
Letrec lb (go ct)
Expand All @@ -617,68 +559,6 @@ genCase tcm tupTcm ty argTys = go
go (Branch scrut pats) =
Case scrut ty (map (second go) pats)

-- | Lookup the TyConName and DataCon for a tuple of size n
findTup :: TyConMap -> IntMap TyConName -> Int -> (TyConName,DataCon)
findTup tcm tupTcm n =
Maybe.fromMaybe (error ("Cannot build " <> show n <> "-tuble")) $ do
tupTcNm <- IntMap.lookup n tupTcm
tupTc <- UniqMap.lookup tupTcNm tcm
tupDc <- Maybe.listToMaybe (tyConDataCons tupTc)
return (tupTcNm,tupDc)

mkBigTupTm :: TyConMap -> IntMap TyConName -> [(Type,Term)] -> Term
mkBigTupTm tcm tupTcm args = snd $ mkBigTup tcm tupTcm args

mkSmallTup,mkBigTup :: TyConMap -> IntMap TyConName -> [(Type,Term)] -> (Type,Term)
mkSmallTup _ _ [] = error $ $curLoc ++ "mkSmallTup: Can't create 0-tuple"
mkSmallTup _ _ [(ty,tm)] = (ty,tm)
mkSmallTup tcm tupTcm args = (ty,tm)
(argTys,tms) = unzip args
(tupTcNm,tupDc) = findTup tcm tupTcm (length args)
tm = mkApps (Data tupDc) (map Right argTys ++ map Left tms)
ty = mkTyConApp tupTcNm argTys

mkBigTup tcm tupTcm = mkChunkified (mkSmallTup tcm tupTcm)

:: TyConMap
-> IntMap TyConName
-> [Type]
-> Type
mkSmallTupTy _ _ [] = error $ $curLoc ++ "mkSmallTupTy: Can't create 0-tuple"
mkSmallTupTy _ _ [ty] = ty
mkSmallTupTy tcm tupTcm tys = mkTyConApp tupTcNm tys
m = length tys
(tupTcNm,_) = findTup tcm tupTcm m

mkBigTupTy tcm tupTcm = mkChunkified (mkSmallTupTy tcm tupTcm)

:: MonadUnique m
=> InScopeSet
-> TyConMap
-> IntMap TyConName
-> Term
-> [Type]
-> Int
-> m Term
mkSmallTupSelector _ _ _ scrut [_] 0 = return scrut
mkSmallTupSelector _ _ _ _ [_] n = error $ $curLoc ++ "mkSmallTupSelector called with one type, but to select " ++ show n
mkSmallTupSelector inScope tcm _ scrut _ n = mkSelectorCase ($curLoc ++ "mkSmallTupSelector") inScope tcm scrut 1 n

mkBigTupSelector inScope tcm tupTcm scrut tys n = go (chunkify tys)
go [_] = mkSmallTupSelector inScope tcm tupTcm scrut tys n
go tyss = do
let (nOuter,nInner) = divMod n mAX_TUPLE_SIZE
tyss' = map (mkSmallTupTy tcm tupTcm) tyss
outer <- mkSmallTupSelector inScope tcm tupTcm scrut tyss' nOuter
inner <- mkSmallTupSelector inScope tcm tupTcm outer (tyss List.!! nOuter) nInner
return inner

-- | Determine if a term in a function position is interesting to lift out of
-- of a case-expression.
Expand Down

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