Add IL Israeli Knesset Corpus sample #2091
10 warnings
Validate ParlaMint-IL
INFO initialize taxonomies with no translations - check if correct(known) ids has been used
Validate ParlaMint-IL
(1st of this type)[Line 37 Sent s.d20d9bd8-82a8-4a2f-81ac-38459443b57d-3]: [L2 Syntax 0-is-not-root] DEPREL must be 'root' if HEAD is 0.
Validate ParlaMint-IL
(1st of this type)[Line 6 Sent s.d20d9bd8-82a8-4a2f-81ac-38459443b57d-3]: [L2 Syntax multiple-roots] Multiple root words: [1, 5, 9, 13, 16, 21, 27]
Validate ParlaMint-IL
(1st of this type)[Line 6 Sent s.d20d9bd8-82a8-4a2f-81ac-38459443b57d-3]: [L2 Format skipped-corrupt-tree] Skipping annotation tests because of corrupt tree structure.
Validate ParlaMint-IL
(1st of this type)[Line 92 Sent s.f7dd83af-a32d-4f23-8e66-c6ae635e650a-3]: [L2 Metadata spaceafter-newdocpar] New document or paragraph starts when the last token of the previous sentence says SpaceAfter=No.
Validate ParlaMint-IL
(1st of this type)::warning::...suppressing further errors regarding Syntax
Validate ParlaMint-IL
...suppressing further errors regarding Format
Validate ParlaMint-IL
...suppressing further errors regarding Metadata
Validate ParlaMint-IL
(1st of this type)::warning::Format errors: 4449
Validate ParlaMint-IL
(1st of this type)::warning::Metadata errors: 1733