NOTE: this library was converted to Swift 3 and made a pod! See the objectivec or swift2 branch for the old style.
This project is a mac and iOS database for airports worldwide. A Cocoa framework Core Data model and accompanying Swift classes are used. Runway and frequency information is also included.
Add this line to your Podfile:
pod 'iAirportsDB', :git => ''
IMPORTANT: The pod now only includes an empty database. Download a complete database using the below command.
curl -O
Add the downloaded file to your Xcode project and then configure IADB to use it using:
IADBModel.setPersistence(path: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "iAirportsDBExample", ofType: "sqlite")!)
This databse is used in the wildly popular NRST: Descent Rate & Airport Finder for iOS.
Here are some stubs of the data you get:
class IADBAirport {
var identifier: String // gps code
var latitude: Double
var longitude: Double
var name: String
var type: String
var elevationFeet: NSNumber? // for objc compatibility Int32? is not allowed, -1 is a valid elevation
var code: String // iata code e.g. ICN, this is what is printed on boarding passes
var municipality: String /// Normally the nearby city e.g. Seoul
var runways:[IADBRunway]
var frequencies:[IADBFrequency]
class IADBRunway {
var closed: Bool
var lighted: Bool
var headingTrue: Float // runway 12 will have a magnetic heading of ~120
var identifierA: String // e.g. 12
var identifierB: String // e.g. 30
var lengthFeet: Int32
var surface: String // e.g. TURF
var widthFeet: Int32
class IADBFrequency {
var mhz: Float
var name: String // e.g. APP
var type: String // e.g. NORCAL APP
Find airports using:
- IADBAirport.findNear(CLLocation, withinNM:CLLocationDistance)
- IADBAirport.findNear(CLLocation, withinNM:CLLocationDistance, types:[IADBAirport.AirportType]?)
- IADBAirport.findAllByIdentifier(String)
Or in Objective C:
- [IADBAirport findNear:(CLLocation *) location withinNM:(CLLocationDistance) distance]
- [IADBAirport findAllByIdentifier:(NSString *) identifier]
- [IADBNavigationAid findNear:(CLLocation *) location withinNM:(CLLocationDistance) distance]
- [IADBNavigationAid findAllByIdentifier:(NSString *) identifier]
- [IADBLocation findNear:(CLLocation *) location withinNM:(CLLocationDistance) distance]
- [IADBLocation findAllByIdentifier:(NSString *) identifier]