diablo 2 vision system is a library to assist with the automation of d2, using only pixels, keyboard and mouse
$ pip install d2vs
NOTE: this can run via CPU, but via GPU is far superior. You must install CUDA and the appropriate python jazz to get that working, for me with CUDA10.1:
$ conda install torch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
import numpy as np
from d2vs.ocr import OCR
from PIL import Image
# Initiate OCR
ocr = OCR()
# Load an Image
img = Image.open("586_gold.png")
# Scan the image
bounds, text, item_type = ocr.read(img)
# Print out the data for demo purposes
top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left = bounds
print(top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left)
# ([2, 2], [158, 2], [158, 32], [2, 32])
# '586 Gold'
# 'Normal'
- Have fun automating single player! Not for profit
- OCR with near 100% accuracy
- Visually determine where you are in game, area level and world coordinate system
- Click from world coords to screen coords
- Path through unexplored areas to a goal
- Facilitate complete d2 bot from lvl 1 to 99
- Pick it
$ git clone ...
$ pip install -r requirements.dev.txt
$ pytest